Shelby's Deck Flashcards
What does TPR stand for when referring to health and diseases?
Temperature, Pulse, and Respiration
What happens if a horse has slowed capillary-refill time?
The horse can go into shock
True or false: a healthy horse will have a capillary-refill time of 1 to 3 seconds.
What is skin-pinch test?
A simple test for dehydration of a horse’s body
When should you deworm your horses?
At least every 8 weeks
What’s in the center of each cell?
The Nucleus
What should not exceed more than 40% of the total daily diet?
Grain or concentrates
What can happen if the horse loses more than 20% of body water?
A result in death
How many different amino acids are there?
Which vitamin is needed for vision, especially night vision?
Vitamin A
Name one water-soluble vitamin.
C, B1, B2, B6, B12, Biotin, Folic Acid, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid
What does CRT stand for?
Capillary-Refill Time
What does the term bight of the reins mean?
The excess part of the reins passing beyond the thumb and fingers and out of the hand.
Name two different types of western bridles.
Split Ear, Slip Ear, Conventional
What is a Mecate?
A hackamore lead rope
What is a Fiadore?
A special knot on a hackamore
What is the name for an oil made of suet, feet, and bones of cattle, used for softening leather?
Neat’s Foot Oil
Name three equitation seats.
Hunt seat, saddle seat, stock (western)
Riboflavin and thiamin are examples of what vitamin?
Vitamin B
Name 4 fat soluble vitamins.
A, D, E, K
What is on of the best indicators of an animal’s well being?
What can carotene be converted to?
Vitamin A
What are 2 sources of dietary energy?
Carbohydrates, fats, protein
What is another name for Lucerne, a legume roughage?
What 2 sources does molasses come from?
Sugar cane and sugar beet
How many pounds of manure does one horse produce in one year?
7 to 9 tons
Name 2 types of body hair.
Dense undercoat, guard hairs
What causes the horse to stop at a jump?
The rider looking down.
How long should you warm your horse up before jumping?
15-30 minutes
If something goes wrong when starting to jump, whose fault if it most of the time?
The rider’s
What should a rider never use for balance when learning to jump?
The reins
Raised jumps made of poles on the ground OR poles on the ground which are properly spaced are called what?
What is a pannier?
Container used in packing for carrying supplies
During what time period are most foals born?
During the night
What type of wound would a nail cause?
How many years of an equine’s life are equal to one year of a human’s life?
What is the normal temperature of a horse?
99-101.5 (references give different numbers)
What type of wound would be caused by barbed wire?
The average 1,000 pound idle horse in the winter requires how much hay per day?
15 pounds
What is the chemical name for salt?
Sodium chloride (NaCl)
What should be placed under hay bales when storing on cement floors?
Wooden Pallets
To maintain freshness, what is the maximum that commercially prepared feed should be stored in a stable?
One month
Why is corn considered a hot feed?
It is high in energy content
What is a complete feed?
Combination of concentrates & forages in one product (one that you don’t have to feed hay with)
How should sodium chloride be fed in a horse’s diet?
Free choice in form of block or loose salt OR add to feed mix
How much does a healthy hoof grow per month?
3/8 to 1/2 inch per month
What is in the horse’s feet helps to maintain its’ flexibility?
What is nature’s hoof conditioner?
What is the most elastic part of the hoof?
The frog
What weather conditions promote the greatest hoof growth rate?
Warm temperature
Which grows faster—the front hooves or the back hooves?
The front hooves
What movement is important for opening gates?
What is the name for a fast, 4-beat ground-covering walk?
Running walk