Breeds & Types Flashcards
What is a horse called that is unregistered and has unknown ancestry?
A grade horse
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 137)
What breed of horse is native to the Ozarks in Missouri?
Missouri Fox Trotter
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 125)
Name two breeds of draft horses that are commonly seen with feathered legs.
Clydesdale & Shire
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 72)
What breed of horse has 5 lumbar and 17 thoracic vertebrae?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 140)
The American Paint Horse Association is devoted strictly to stock horses and bases its registry on the blood of what 3 breeds?
American Paint Horse, American Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 130)
Why was the American Paint Horse Association formed?
The American Quarter Horse Association refused to register spotted horses.
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 48)
What is the most common horse breed in the US?
The American Quarter Horse
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 137)
What pony breed is used almost entirely for showing in harness classes?
Hackney Pony
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 63)
Which draft horse breed has registered more per year than all other draft breeds combined?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 69)
Which breed is known as the Prince of Ponies?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)
What does cold-blooded refer to?
A horse of draft horse breeding
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 69 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56 / Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 24 / Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 61)
What is the most common color of the Quarter Horse?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 168B-1)
Name 5 breeds that originated in the U.S.
Morgan, American Quarter Horse, Tennessee Walking Horse, American Saddlebred, American Bashkir Curly, POA
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 23, 36-37, 41, 57, 59)
A horse under 14.2 hands is called what?
A pony
(Source: Eqiune Science, Griffiths, p. 20 / Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 217 / Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 526)
What breed cannot be taller than 34 inches at the withers to be registered?
American Miniature Horse
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 160B-1)
The 5 major draft breeds in the United States were developed in Europe; name 3 of them and the country of origin.
Belgian - Belgium; Percheron - France; Clydesdale - Scotland; Shire and Suffolk - England
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 155-159)
What is recognized as the universal birth date for many breeds?
January 1
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 910-5)
What do you call a horse that was domesticated and then became wild?
(Source: Illustrated Dictionary of Equine Terms, p. 106)
HYPP generally affects what popular horse breed?
Quarter Horses
(Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 98)
What is a Morab?
Cross between a Morgan and Arabian
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 45)
What is the distinguishing characteristic of the Bashkir Curly?
It has a curly coat
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 57)
Where did the POA originate?
Mason City, Iowa
(Source: THe Horse, Evans, p. 59)
Who was the first breeder of mules in North America?
George Washington
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 77)
What terms are used to describe the male ass and female ass?
Male - Jack
Female - Jennet
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 75 / Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 160)
What is the scientific name for a modern horse?
Equus Caballus
(Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 15)
What breed of horse is always bay?
Cleveland Bay
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 115)
What breed is prone to Equine Night Blindness or ENB?
(Source: Equine Science, Griffiths, p. 100)
Is there such a thing as an albino in the horse world? Why or why not.
No, an albino has solid pink eyes; white horses have colored eyes
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 53)
At what age do Thoroughbred horses compete for the Triple Crown?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 22)
Where did the Jutland breed originate?
(Source: Illustrated Dicionary of Equine Terms, p. 159)
Name two breeds of horses tha are named after different states in the U.S.A.
Tennessee Walking Horse, Colorado Ranger/Rangerbred horse, Missouri Fox Trotter
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 40, 41, 58)
Name the horse breed developed by crossing Arabian and Saddlebred horses.
National Show Horse
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 128)
There are many breeds of ponies. Name four.
American Walking Pony, Hackney, Americana, POA, Connemara, American Quarter Pony, Shetland, Trottingbred, Walking Pony, Welsh
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 58-67)
What is the name of the breed of horse that is registered for its “golden” color?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 49)
What are the 3 distinctive characteristics required of all Appaloosas?
- The eye must be encircled with white, 2. The skin must be mottled, 3. The hooves must be vertically striped in black and white
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 32)
What is a grade horse?
A horse of unknown ancestry
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56 / Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 520)
Which state was the home of the first imported Belgian?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 155)
The stallion “Eclipse” is claimed to be the progenitor of 90% of which horse breed?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 21)
Who was the holder of the first permanent registration number in the AQHA?
Wimpy P-1
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 27)
Where did the Welsh Pony originate?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)
What horse originated in the Shetland Isles?
Shetland Pony
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 58)
Where did the Thoroughbred originate?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 173B-1)
What breed was developed by the Nez Perce Indians?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 152B-1)
Where did the Quarter Horse originate?
United States (traces to the 1600s along Eastern sea coast of the New World)
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 23 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 168B-1)
Where in the U.S. did the Tennessee Walker originate?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 40)
What 2 pony breeds were crossed to produce the Americana Breed?
Shetland and Hackney
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 66)
The eye encircled with white, mottled skin and white, vertically striped hooves are characteristics setting this breed apart. What is the breed?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 32)
Which draft breed is generally the tallest?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 72)
Which breed of draft horse is known as the breed of black and greys?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 69)
What draft breed is only chestnut in color?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 159)
What breed must be the color of a newly minted gold coin or three shades lighter or darker, with a light colored mane and tail?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 131)
Name two breeds of the “native horse”.
Chickasaw, American Indian Horse, Spanish Mustang, Spanish-Barb, American Mustang, American Bashkir Curly, Rangerbred Horse
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 55-58)
Name the breed of small sturdy horses that have been imported from Mexico since 1959.
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 45)
What are the 2 racing gaits of the Standardbred?
Trot & Pace
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 29)
What are the disqualifications for registration of Welsh ponies?
Spotted patterns on body
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)
What is the oldest purebred breed and foundation of all light horse breeds?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 17)
What is the primary use of the POA?
Children’s mounts
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61 / Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 136)
What is feathering?
Long, silky hair on the lower legs
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 72)
Where did the Bashkir Curly originate?
The Ural Mountains in Russia
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 57)
How many major draft breeds are found in the United States?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 68)
What is the main use of the Hackney Pony?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)
Which species of wild horses is native to Eastern Asia near the Mongolian border?
Przewalski Horse
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 7)
What is a broom-tail?
Heavy, coarse tail
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 83)
Referring to horse breeds, what do the letters POA stand for?
Pony of the Americas
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)
What does hot-blooded refer to?
A horse of eastern or oriental blood
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 69)
What is a crossbred?
One that has at least one registered parent and are usually crosses between two breeds
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 137)
What are the colors of the Welsh Pony?
Any except piebald & skewbald
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)
What is a written record of an animal’s ancestry that is issued by the registry association?
Registration Certificate
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 58)
What is a written record of an animal’s ancestry that may or may not be used to refer to a registration certificate?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 138 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
Name a breed used as a foundation for developing many modern breeds.
Arabian OR Thoroughbred OR Morgan
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 17 & 20)
Who were the first breeders of Arabians?
Arabian tribesmen
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
Where did the Arabian horse originate?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 153B-1 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
What breed has its’ headquarters in Moscow, Idaho?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 152B-2 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
What color skin does the Arabian always have?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
Where did the Connemara originate?
Ireland (county Galway)
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 65)
Which draft breed is famous for being used in multi-horse hitches - especially one advertising a brewery?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 70)
What are the colors of the Shetland Pony?
All colors - solid & broken
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 59)
Where did the American Saddle Horse originate?
US (Virginia, Carolinas, Ohio, Missouri, Tennessee & specifically Kentucky)
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 58)
What is one of the primary uses of the Shetland Pony?
Children’s mounts, harness ponies
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 59)
What is a distinguising characteristic of the Shetland Pony?
Small size
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 58)
Where did the Morgan originate?
US - New England states
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
Which breed nods the head in rhythm with his walk?
Tennessee walker
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 172B-1)
What is the maximum height of the American Miniature Horse?
34 inches
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 160B-1)
What is the term for an individual horse whose parents are recorded in the same registry association?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 137)
Which breed s represented by the breed association known as the Jockey Club?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 173B-1)
Which breed is the only one named after a horse and what is the horse’s name?
The Morgan, Justin Morgan
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 36)
Which breed is used primarily for harness racing?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 171B-1)
Which breed of pony is colored similar to an Appaloosa?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)
What horse has a natural overstride?
Tennessee Walker
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 40)
Which breed does the US Trotting Association represent?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 171B-1)
The owner of the mare at the time of breeding is called what?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
What is the term for a group of animals within a breed, all of which trace directly to a common ancestor?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
Which breed was developed from small English & Dutch mine horses?
Miniature Horse
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
What is a combination horse?
One used for saddle & driving
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 40)
What is the term for a horse ridden to a hunt meet?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 40)
Which breed excels in distance riding?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 65)
What are the colors of the Percheron?
Black & gray
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 69)
How many colors does the American Quarter Horse recognize?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 59)
What are the colors of the American Saddlebred horse?
No color restrictions (dark colors preferred)
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 39 / AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 169B-1 / Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 59)
Predominant color of Standardbreds are which color?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 31)
What do the Darley Arabian, Byerly Turk & Godolphin Barb (Arabian) have in common?
Foundation sires of the Thoroughbred
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 21)
What is the average height of a Quarter Horse?
15 hands
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 168B-1)
Which breed excels in dressage, polo, jumping & cross country?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 173B-2)
Describe a leopard Appaloosa.
White horse with colored spots on the body & Appaloosa characteristics
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 34)
Which breed originated in County Galway, Ireland?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 65)
Connemaras are noted for what?
Jumping ability
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 65)
Which breed is noted for its “cow sense”?
Quarter Horse
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 168B-1)
What is the predominant color of the Belgian?
Sorrel with flaxen mane & tail
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 69)
What is the most common color of the Shire?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 72)
What is a burro?
Small, feral donkey of North America & South America OR Spanish term for donkey
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 78)
The burro’s ancestors came to North America with whom?
Spanish expeditions
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 78)
The breed description of a palomino describes the ideal color to be what?
The color of a newly minted gold coin
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 49)
What is the height limit for a Shetland Pony?
46 inches (11.2 hands)
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 58)
What is a group of horses having common origin & possessing certain traits that are passed on to their offspring?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 137)
What do you call characteristics of a breed that distinguish it from other breeds?
Breed character
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship (National 4-H Council), p. 56)
What is the height range of the POA?
46-56 inches (11.2-14 hands)
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)
What is the height range of the Connemara Pony?
13 to 14.2 hands (Irish horses have remained pony sized - some in the US are now being bred over 15 hands)
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 66)
What is the height range of the Arabian?
14.1 to 15.1 hands
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 17)
How much does an average Miniature Horse foal weigh at birth?
15-30 pounds
What is the average height for a newbown Miniature Horse?
18 inches
What is the measure of performance for the racing Thoroughbred?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 21)
Where are the headquarers of the American White Horse (formerly the American Albino Club)?
Naper, Nebraska
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 53)
What is the most common color of the Hackney?
Bay (some also black, brown & chestnut)
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 64)
What colors are ineligible for registration in the Connemara breed?
Spotted or blue-eyed cremes
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 66)
What is the small pony breed from Argentina which is noted for excellant conformation and extremely small size?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 67)
Which draft breed is a descendent of the English Great Horse?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 72)
Which draft breed is a descendant of the Great Horse of Flanders?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 68)
What is the main use of the Mammoth Jack?
Crossbreeding with horses to produce mules
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 77)
What is the term for a Standardbred that races with a diagonal gait?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 29)
Which horse typically races the slowest, a Thoroughbred, Trotter or Pacer?
(Source: Horses and Horsemanship, Ensminger, p. 88-89)
Name a breed developed from the need for a comfortable, ground-covering, smooth-gaited riding & driving horse?
American Saddle Horse, Tennessee Walking Horse, Missouri Fox Trotter
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 37-42)
Which breed is world famous because of their connection with the Spanish Riding School?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 159B-1)
What is the predominant color of the Lippizan?
(Source: AYHC Horse Industry Handbook, 159B-1)
What is the most frequent color of the Welsh Mountain Pony?
(Source: The Horse, Evans, p. 61)