Unit 3 - Obstructive GI Disease Flashcards
What are the predisposing factors for duodenal outflow obstruction?
Ulcers, penetrating foreign bodies, intraluminal/extraluminal masses, adhesions adjacent to sigmoid flexure, duodenal sigmoid flexure volvulus
How do cows with duodenal outflow obstructions typically present?
Anorexia, decreased milk and fecal production, tachycardia, depression, decreased rumen contractions, ruminal/abdominal distention, and signs of colic
What electrolyte derangements are associated with duodenal outflow obstructions?
Hyponatremia, hypokalemia, hypochloremia, and hyperphosphatemia; metabolic alkalosis
What supportive/stabilization care should be given to patients with duodenal outflow obstruction?
Fluid therapy, correct electrolyte imbalance, NSAIDs (after stabilization), and broad-spectrum antimicrobials perioperatively
What is the surgical approach to correcting a duodenal outflow obstruction?
Right paralumbar fossa either standing or left lateral recumbency (GA)
How is the definitive diagnosis of a duodenal outflow obstruction made?
Through abdominal exploration
How do you treat duodenal outflow obstructions?
Remove the obstruction via surgery
If the obstructive duodenal lesion cannot be removed, what surgical procedure is done?
A duodenal bypass - side-to-side duodenoduodenostomy
The (inside/outside) intestinal portion of the intussusception is known as the intussuscipens, and the (inside/outside) portion of the intussusception is knwon as the intussusceptum.
outside; inside
What are the predisposing factors for intussusception?
Enteritis, intestinal parasitism, mural granuloma, abscess or hematoma, neoplasia, sudden diet changes, and medications
What age of calves are at a greater risk for intussusception?
1-2 month old calves
Intussusception has an increased prevalence in ______ _____ and a decreased risk in _______.
Brown Swiss; Hereford
What are the most common locations for intussusception?
Small intestine - 84%
Colocolic - 11%
Ileocolic - 2%
How do cattle with intussusception typically present?
Mild to moderate abdominal pain Anorectic Lethargic Reluctant to walk Tachycardic Sucussable fluid wave
What will fecal material be like in patients with intussusception?
Scant, with mucus or melena
What will you feel on rectal palpation in a patient with intussusception?
Dilated loops of intestine
How do you stabilize patients with intussusception?
Fluid therapy, NSAIDs, and perioperative broad-spectrum antimicrobials
What is the surgical approach for intussusception?
Right paralumbar fossa either standing or left lateral recumbency
What will an intussusception feel like on palpation (during sx)?
The proximal end will be distended and friable and the distal end will be empty
It will be firm and congested
T/F: Reduction is the preferred surgical treatment for intussusception.
What is the preferred surgical treatment for intussusception?
Resection and anastomosis
What are the general steps to a resection and anastomosis of an intussusception?
- Isolate the region of intussusception with moist laparotomy sponges.
- Clamp off the boundaries of the resection
- Resect bowel
- Perform a one or two (one is better if you can) layer inverting closure with absorbable suture and a taper needle
What is intestinal volvulus?
Twisting of the intestines along the mesenteric axis either causing an obstruction or vascular strangulation
What is intestinal volvulus secondary to?
What locations are predisposed to intestinal volvulus?
Distal jejunum and ileum
What clinical signs are associated with intestinal volvulus?
Moderate to severe abdominal pain Abdominal distention Feces scant, mucoid Tachycardic, tachypneic Dehydration