Unit 2 - Forestomach and Abomasum Part 2 Flashcards
What are the two forms of primary indigestion?
Abnormal reticulorumen contents with dysfunction of microbes and biochemical fermentation
Reticulorumen motor dysfunction (diseases of the rumen wall, neuromuscular function, or impedance of ingesta passage)
What can cause indigestion by causing dysfunction of microbes and biochemical fermentation?
Simple indigestions, rumen impaction, grain overload, and putrefaction of the rumen
What can cause reticulorumen motor dysfunction?
Frothy and other types of bloat
Traumatic reticuloperitonitis
Vagal indigestions
What causes secondary indigestion?
Systemic illnesses/conditions - endotoxemia, tetanus, and hypocalcemia
Prolonged ruminal stasis (anorexia) is the most common result of what?
Subacute or chronic disorders such as microbial or fermentative indigestions, TRP, and secondary indigestions
What findings are consistent with prolonged ruminal stasis?
Reduced rumen fill, ‘tucked-up’ appearance, and firm, doughy contents ventrally
What is ‘simple’ indigestion?
It is a general term for a poorly defined entity of inappetance, decreased reticulorumen motility, and abnormal feces, with a nonspecific cause that involves intake of abnormal feed
How are simple indigestions treated?
Transfaunation (if available)
Good quality hay
Laxitives - be careful
Gradual reintroduction of concentrates
How long does rumen fluid last at room temperature?
1/2 day
How long does rumen fluid last in the refrigerator?
24 hours
What can be put on top of rumen fluid to keep it anaerobic?
A thin layer of mineral oil
Why do you need to make sure to vent the container that has collected rumen in it?
Because it fill with gas and probably explode - stinky stinky
What will the rumen look like and feel if there is ruminal inactivity with indigestible roughage?
The rumen will be distended with firm, doughy contents that accumulate ventrally; recurrent free gas bloat often present
Hay belly
How do you treat ‘hay belly’?
Improve forage quality
Restrict diet to readily digestible feed in small meals
Traunsfaunate repeatedly
B vitamin supplementation
Laxatives and dissolution of contents
Very impacted rumen (and abomasum) may need to be emptied
What cows typically are rumen drinkers?
They are chronic poor doing calves that have a poor transition during weaning and have a failure of esophageal groove
What does a chronic poor doing calf look like?
It has a long hair coat and poor BCS It has abnormal, pasty feces Mild, chronic bloat Potbellied abdomen, flaccid Tinkling fluid sounds on succussion of rumen, and/or pings of rumen origin
What will the rumen fluid of a rumen drinker be like?
Grey, foul odor, pH of 7.5-8.5, and no protozoa
How are rumen drinkers treated?
Remove abnormal rumen contents Correct dehydration Transfaunation B vitamins Feed management - green grass, calf starter, and wean the calf if appropriate
What is grain overload?
A ruminal microbial fermentative disorder caused by rapid changes in fermentable CHO in the rumen
What can cause rapid changes in fermentable CHO available in the rumen?
Interruptions in feed delivery, too rapid step-up, accidental exposure
Cereal grains
Byproducts, bakery waste, fruits; high-quality vegetative pastures
Grain overload can be just ______ indigestion or it can be life threatening ____ and death.
simple; toxemia