Unit 1 - Neonate 1 Flashcards
What are calves at risk for?
Dystocia, weak and lack of vigor, acidosis and/or hypoxia, and hypothermia
What occurs during the transition to extra-uterine life?
Cessation of uterine blood supply
Lung inflation, decreased pulmonary and increased systemic vascular resistance
Closure of fetal vascular routes
When should a calf begin spontaneous and regular breathing?
Within 30 seconds of parturition
What is the regular heart rate of neonate calves?
> 70 bpm
True or False: Arrhythmias are not uncommon in the first hour of life.
When should the righting reflex occur in neonate calves?
within 5 minutes
When should the suckle reflex occur in neonate calves?
Within 20 minutes
Do calves go into respiratory failure or cardiac arrest first?
Respiratory failure
When should you intervene with resuscitation in a calf?
If the calf is gasping, in respiratory distress, apneic, or if they are persistently bradycardic
What are the first steps to resuscitation in a calf?
Clear the airways and place into sternal position for optimal ventilation
True or False: Dopram is recommended in apneic animals.
False - it is not recommended
What are possible treatments for hypothermia in a calf?
Immersion, forced warm air, and heat lamps
True or False: You should not ligate the umbilicus if you do not have to.
If you have to manage the umbilicus, what should you do?
Clean with iodine or chlorhexidine and dry quickly
What is the current acceptable amount of serum IgG in colustrum?
> 15g/L - you want to feed 300g of IgG
What is the single most important management factor in determining health and survival of the neonatal calf?
What does the amount of colostrum proved to dairy heifers significantly influence?
pre-pubertal growth rate
What does colostrum contain?
Immunoglobulins, energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, maternal leukocytes, cytokines, growth factors, and antimicrobial factors
When is colostrum produced?
several weeks prior to calving
What cow factors impact the production of colostrum?
Dairy vs. Beef, Age, dry period length, timely collection, mastitis, nutrition, vaccination, and environmental influences
Does mastitis affect IgG in colostrum?
No, there is just a decreased volume overall