U5L5 Entering the Great Depression Flashcards
What did Hoover not realize, that later took part in starting the Great Depression?
Hoover did realize that some Americans had not shared in the prosperity of the 1920s. Farmers already faced hardship in the 1920s. So did workers in the textile and coal industries. For workers in those industries, a booming economy was something they only read about in the newspapers.
Why did no one notice the slowing economy?
At that time the government did not keep detailed statistics.
What caused stock prices to fall?
The rash selling
Even though the stock prices were falling, what did President Hoover say?
Hoover reassured investors that the “business of the country … is on a sound and prosperous basis.”
What does it mean to buy stock on margin? With prices falling, what effect did it have on investors?
Buyers of stocks on margin pay only part of the cost of the stock when they make the purchase. They borrow the rest from their stockbrokers. With prices falling, brokers asked investors to pay back what they owed. Investors sold their stock to repay their loans.
Between October 24 and October 29, desperate people tried to unload millions of shares. What did this cause?
Stock prices dropper even further
When the stock market opened on Tuesday, October 29, a wild stampede of selling hit the New York Stock Exchange. What happened to the prices of stocks?
Prices plunged because there were no buyers. People who thought they owned valuable stocks were left with worthless paper.
What was Black Tuesday?
Worried people gather outside the New York Stock Exchange on October 24, 1929, the day the crash began, also known as Black Thursday.
How long did the Great Depression (1929) last?
1929 to 1941 (12 years)
The stock market crash did not cause the Great Depression. What did it do instead?
It shock people’s confidence in the economy
How was overproduction one of the main causes of the Great Depression?
American factories and farms produced vast amounts of goods in the 1920s. Vast corporate profits made from increased production were not passed on to workers. As a result, the gap between rich and poor widened with the middle class slipping into poverty. In fact, over one third of American assets were owned by one percent of Americans—those with the most money.
Having such a small number of people in control of so much wealth contributed to an economic slump. Why?
First, the wealthy were more likely to save the money than spend it like those who were less wealthy. Second, those who were less wealthy saw their buying power fall.
How did overproduction affect workers?
Because wages did not keep up with prices, workers could not afford to buy the goods that corporations continued to produce. Factories and farms were producing more goods than people were buying. As orders slowed, factories laid off workers.
How was the banking system another cause of the depression?
During the 1920s, banks made unwise loans. For example, banks lent money to people who invested in the stock market. When the stock market crashed, borrowers could not repay their loans. Without the money from the loans, the banks could not give depositors their money when they asked for it. As a result, many banks were forced to close.
What happened to depositors when a bank closed?
When a bank closed, depositors lost their money. Often, a family’s lifetime savings disappeared overnight.
The stock market crash, for example, ruined many investors. Without capital, or money, from investors, businesses could no longer grow and expand. Businesses could not turn to banks for capital because the banks were also in trouble.
Yeah. What they said.
How did many people lose their jobs during the Great Depression?
As factories cut back on production, they cut wages and laid off workers. Unemployed workers, in turn, had little money to spend, so demand for goods fell further. In the end, many businesses went bankrupt. As bankrupt businesses closed, even more people were thrown out of work.
How did the Great Depression led to a worldwide economic crisis?
In the 1920s, the United States had loaned large sums to European nations. When American banks stopped making loans or demanded repayment of existing loans, European banks began to fail. The depression spread from nation to nation. By 1930, it had led to a worldwide economic collapse.
What does it mean to buy stock on margin?
The investor borrows money from brokers to cover some of the cost of the stock.
What was one of the chief causes of the Great Depression?
overproduction coupled with the fact that corporate profits were not shared with workers who would have purchased the goods
Trace the path that led to American banks closing during the Great Depression.
Banks made unwise loans to people who invested in the stock market.
The stock market crashed.
Borrowers could not repay their loans to the banks or give their depositors money.
Banks were forced to close.
Why was the Great Depression worse than any depression that had happened before?
In earlier times, most Americans lived on farms and grew their own food. In the 1930s, millions of Americans lived in cities and worked in factories. When factories closed, the jobless had no money for food and no land on which to grow it.
What were some jobs people took during the depression?
Police had to keep order as 15,000 women pushed and shoved to apply for six jobs cleaning offices. Some of the jobless shined shoes on street corners. Others set up sidewalk stands and sold apples.
What did marriage and birth rates look like during the depression?
They stopped.
How did the Great Depression affect families?
The pressure of hard times led some families to split up. The scarcity of food and work led to fathers and even children as young as 13 or 14 years old to leave home to hunt for work. Their leaving meant the family had fewer people to feed, but it also came at a cost: there were fewer people to care for any young children or elderly at home.
How did Americans deal with the depression?
They attempted to meet their basic needs by utilizing the scarce resources they possessed. Neighbors shared what little they had. Some families doubled up, taking in aunts, uncles, and cousins. Some families began to grow vegetables and can foods instead of shopping in stores.
Why didn’t Hoover think the go cement should get directly involved with the depression?
He feared that government might become too powerful. It was up to businesses, he felt, to work together to end the downslide.
At first, why did Hoover also oppose relief programs?
The President urged business leaders to keep workers employed and to maintain wages. Hoover also called on private charities to help the needy.
How did churches and ethnic communities help the needy?
Churches set up soup kitchens, places where the hungry could get a free meal. Ethnic communities organized their own relief efforts. In San Francisco’s Chinatown, fraternal societies gave out food and clothing. Father Divine, an African American religious leader in New York’s Harlem, fed 3,000 hungry people a day. Mexican Americans and Puerto Ricans turned to aid societies.
What made it difficult for private charities?
the numbers of the needy soon overwhelmed private charities
As the Depression continued, he adopted some policies that he hoped would help people help themselves and stimulate the economy. One of these were public works. What were public works?
Public works are projects built by the government for public use. The government hired workers to build schools, construct dams, and pave highways. By providing jobs, these programs enabled people to earn money.
What was the Reconstitution Finance Corporation do?
The RFC loaned money to banks, railroads, and insurance companies to help them stay in business. Saving these businesses, Hoover hoped, would save thousands of jobs.
Why did many people blame the president for the depression?
Many people blamed the President for doing too little. He refused to establish a welfare system for those out of work, believing it would further devastate American morale. However, people were desperate for any help they could get.
What where Hoovervilles?
The clusters of shacks where the homeless lived.
People spoke of “Hoover blankets,” the newspapers used by the homeless to keep warm when they slept outside. A cardboard patch that covered a hole in a shoe was called “Hoover leather.” Men, women, and children lined up for “Hoover stew,” the name they gave to the thin soup they received in soup kitchens.
After World War I, Congress had voted to give veterans a bonus, or additional sum of money, to be paid in 1945. However, because of the depression what happened?
In 1932, more than 20,000 jobless veterans marched to Washington to demand the bonus right away.
What was the Bonus Army, what did they do?
For two months, the Bonus Army, as the group of veterans were called, camped in a tent city along the Potomac River.
Why did the Senate refuse to give the veterans their bonus at once?
Senators thought that the cost would prevent government action to aid the country’s recovery. Many discouraged veterans then went home. However, thousands of others remained, vowing to stay until 1945 if necessary.
What happened to the veterans camped outside along the Potomac River?
Local police tried to force the veterans to leave. Battles with police left four people dead. Hoover then ordered General Douglas MacArthur to clear out the veterans. Using cavalry, tanks, machine guns, and tear gas, MacArthur moved into the camp and burned it to the ground.
After the President attacked the Bonus Army what did he lose?
He lost the little supports he had, and people started looking for a new leader.
Where were hungry families forced to find food?
in dumps and restaurant garbage cans
How many people were jobless in the early 1930s?
one in four
Why did President Hoover oppose a welfare system for the jobless?
He believed it would further devastate American morale.
How did the Great Depression begin?
Investors began to worry the boom would end and began selling stocks