U3L1 A New Wave of Immigration Flashcards
What are push factors? What are pull factors?
Push factors are conditions that drive people from their homes. Pull factors are conditions that attract immigrants to a new area.
What is an example of a push factor?
An industrial boom in the United States had created a huge need for workers that drew many immigrants.
There are more examples to show a push factor, just make sure you know what it is :D
What was the main push factor in Europe?
Agricultural problems
European immigrants were often small farmers or landless farmworkers. As European populations grew, land became scarce. Small farms could barely support the families that worked them. In some areas, new farm machines replaced farmworkers.
What was the main push factor in Russia?
Political and religious persecution
In Russia, the government supported pogroms (POH grahmz), or organized attacks on Jewish villages. Persecution and violence also pushed Armenian Christians out of the Ottoman Empire (present-day Turkey).
What is the main push factor in Mexico?
Political unrest
After 1910, a revolution erupted in Mexico. Thousands of Mexicans crossed the border into the southwestern United States.
What was the chief push factor for immigrants?
Industrial jobs
How did Americans get laborers for factories?
Factory owners sent agents to Europe and Asia to hire workers at low wages. Steamship companies offered low fares for the ocean crossing. Railroads posted notices in Europe advertising cheap land in the American West.
How is the promise of freedom a push factor?
Many immigrants were eager to live in a land where police could not arrest or imprison them without a reason and where freedom of religion was guaranteed to all by the Bill of Rights.
Why was leaving home to go to American often a hard journey?
Most immigrants could afford only the cheapest berths. Shipowners jammed up to 2,000 people in steerage, the airless rooms below deck. In such close quarters, disease spread rapidly..
Example of disease spreading in a voyage from Germany to the U.S.
An outbreak of measles infected every child on one German immigrant ship. The dead were thrown into the water “like cattle,” reported a horrified passenger.
What is the statute of liberty a symbol of?
Hope and freedom
Where did most European voyages end in?
New York City
What happened at the receiving station at Ellis Island?
Here, immigrants had to face a dreaded medical inspection. Doctors watched newcomers climb a long flight of stairs. Anyone who limped or appeared out of breath might be stopped. Doctors also examined eyes, ears, and throats. The sick had to stay on Ellis Island until they got well. A small percentage who failed to regain full health were sent home.
Why did the officials change the names of some immigrants?
With hundreds of immigrants to process each day, officials had only minutes to check each new arrival. To save time, they often changed names that they found hard to spell. Krzeznewski became Kramer. Smargiaso ended up as Smarga. Even the first name of one Italian immigrant was changed, from Bartolomeo to Bill.
How were Asians treated when they were processed?
After 1910, many Asian immigrants were processed on Angel Island in San Francisco Bay. Because Americans wanted to discourage Asian immigration, new arrivals often faced long delays. Many Asian immigrants scratched their feelings in poetry on the wall.
What are push factors of immigration?
/not asking for examples
conditions that drive people away from their homes
What was the voyage to the United States like for most immigrants?
The voyage was long and difficult for most immigrants, who crossed the ocean in the cramped and often disease-infested steerage quarters.