Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt Flashcards
United Mine Workers Strike 1902
Was unique in that Roosevelt did not automatically side with the employers during the strike and used federal arbitration to force the employers to meet some of the workers’ demands.
Est. of the Department of Labor and Commerce 1903
Was created by Roosevelt to allow the federal government to investigate and thereby regulate corporations.
The “Square Deal”
A phrase coined by Roosevelt that describe his policy of corporate regulation and labor justice.
Ex: United Mine Workers Strike 1902
Hepburn Act 1906
Attempted to give the federal government the ability to regulate railroad rates but this was a timid bill and id little to solve railroad rate extortion.
Elkins Act 1903
Was an attempt for the government to regulate railroad rates by placing fines on railroad corporations that offered rebates and on shippers who took the rebates.
Pure Food and Drug Act 1907
Was partly in response to a book call, The Jungle, which described the disgusting conditions of the meat packing industry. This act helped sanitize food industries.
Meat Inspection Act 1907
This was another sanitizing act passed by Roosevelt that prevented diseases in production meat.
National Reclamation or Newlands Act
This act provided funds for the construction dams, reservoirs, and canals on government land.
Hetch Hetchy Controversy and the SF Quake of 1906
This is the controversy over whether or not a dam should be made in Hetch Hethcy Valley but after an earth quake in San Francisco where there were many fires, the dam was made. This inspired preservationists to become more involved in saving the environment from “rational use”.
Panic of 1907
The industrial economy nearly collapsed and caused a series of recessions although the panic was short lived and corporations formed together to stable the shaky economy.
Big Stick Foreign Policy
This was a policy created by Roosevelt that promised force if he could not reason with countries. It was a power display of the United States.
Roosevelt’s Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine
This was an extension of the Monroe Doctrine made by Roosevelt that gave the United States the power and authority to intervene basically anywhere in other countries in the Western Hemisphere.
Russo-Japanese War/the Treaty of Portsmouth
As Japan seized Russian territory and went to war with Russia, Roosevelt sought to end the war and mediated the treaty between Russia and Japan while making another agreement with Japan to allow U.S trading in the newly acquired regions.
Great White Fleet
When Japan began to restrict U.S. trade in the regions taken from Russia, Roosevelt sent a fleet of battle ships to Japan to show of U.S. power and technology.
Panama Canal
Linked the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific Ocean, allowing trade to proceed more quickly across the oceans.
September 14, 1901-March, 1909