Test 2 Lecture 15-17: Reproduction Lecture Flashcards
structures of male reproductive system
Testis (pl. testes)
Ductus deferens
Accessory sex glands
exocrine functions of testis is by ___
gamete production
endocrine function of testis is by ___
sex hormone secretion
Bull male reproductive tract
1) Testicular artery
2) Deferent duct
3) Testis
4) Pelvic symphysis
what mammal has testicles on inside of abdomen
marine mammals
•Testes are covered by ___, which is covered by ___
tunica albuginea
visceral vaginal tunic (AKA visceral tunica vaginalis)
another name for visceral vaginal tunic
(AKA visceral tunica vaginalis)
1) Interstitial cells
2) Lumen
3) Myoid cell, nucleus
4) Primary spermatocyte
5) Seminiferous tubule
6) Sertoli cell, nucleus
7) Spermatid, early
8) Spermatid, late
9) Spermatogonia
10) Tunica albuginea
11) Tunica albuginea, smooth muscle
12) Tunica albuginea, vascular layer
13) Tunica vaginalis
where is the tunica albuginea
where is the visceral vaginal tunic of the testis
•Spermatogenesis occurs in ___
seminiferous tubules
Spermatogenesis is dependent on __ and Sertoli cell functionality
___ act to help move (immotile!) spermatozoa
Myoid cells
1) Efferent ductule
2) Interstitial cell
3) Mediastinum testis
4)Myoid cell, nucleus
5) Primary spermatocyte
6) Rete testis, channel
7) Seminiferous tubules
8) Sertoli cell, nucleus
9) Sertoli cells
10) Spermatid, early
11) Spermatid, late
12) Spermatogonium
13) Straight tubule
14) Transitional zone
15) Tunica albuginea
what is number 4 and what do they do?
myoid cell, help move immotile spermatozoa
___ cells lie outside of the basement membranes of the seminiferous tubules
leydig cells (interstitial cells)
Leydig cells synthesize and secrete ___ in response to ___
luteinizing hormone (LH)
why is there so much smooth ER in leydig cells
smooth ER metabolizes cholesterol which then gets turned into testosterone
___ cells lie inside of the basolateral membrane of the seminiferous tubules
sertoli cells (sustentacular cells)
Sertoli cells convert testosterone to ___ and ___ in response to follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
testosterone is converted into dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estrogen in response to ___ . This happen in the ___ cells
follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
sertoli cells secrete
- Androgen-binding protein
- Inhibin
- Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH)
the blood testis barrier is formed by ___ junctions between ___ cells
developing sperm cells develop in between what cells
sertoli cells
what are the two compartments formed by the tight junction in between sertoli cells?
basal compartment
adluminal compartment
why do we have the blood testis barrier
keep body from attacking sperm that are going through meiosis/ mitosis (haploid cells)
the production of spermatozoa
•the mitotic phase of spermatogenesis; produces spermatocytes from spermatogonia (diploid)
•creates haploid spermatocytes
•round spermatids morph into elongated spermatids
•undifferentiated male germ cell
•produced by mitosis of spermatogonia and will undergo meiosis
the haploid result of meiosis in males
two types of spermatids
- Round: still have lots of cytoplasm and organelles
- Elongated: have shed much of cytoplasm and organelles; have a tail.
The release of elongated spermatids from the Sertoli cell into the lumen of the seminiferous tubule
the haploid product of spermatogenesis.
•Males are born with a finite number of __
•Spermatogonia produce an infinite number of ___
three stages of spermatogenesis
- Spermatocytogenesis: the mitotic phase of spermatogenesis; produces spermatocytes from spermatogonia (diploid)
- Meiosis: creates haploid spermatocytes
- Spermiogenesis: round spermatids morph into elongated spermatids
mitosis stage of spermatogenesis
Types of Spermatogonia
dark type A (Ad) (stem cells)
Light type A (Ap)
type B- will undergo meiosis into spermatozoa
meiosis of spermatocytes leads to formation of 4 ___
spermatids (haploid cells)
spermatids changes there shape into __
elongated spermatids (with tails)
elongated spermatids when released by the stertoli cell are then called
Why is spermiogenesis needed?
makes more “aerodynamic”
develop flagella(tail) to move
mitochondria move to mid-peice to make energy to move tail
DNA condenses- transcriptional inactive
gets rid of stuff they don’t need
Spermiogenesis: round spermatids morph into elongated spermatids
sperm as they develop have ___ in between cells to allow them to communicate
cross bridges
spermatids are released into the lumen of the seminiferous tubules
now called spermatozoa
Neighboring developing spermatids develop in synchrony ___
“spermatogenic wave”
sperm are motile upon release from sertoli cells. True or False
spermatozoa are not motile when first released from steroli cells into the seminiferous tubules
•Seminiferous tubules terminate into ___(AKA tubuli recti), which then lead to the __
straight tubules
rete testis
the rete testis is found within the ___
mediastinum testis
___ carry spermatozoa from the rete testis to the epididymis
•Efferent ductules (AKA ductuli efferentes)
- sertoli cells
- transitional zone
- straight tubules (aka tubuli recti)
sperm travel from __ to __
form in seminiferous tubules into straight tubules into rete testis into efferent ductules into the epididymis
___ is the site of sperm maturation, concentration and storage
The three regions of the epididymis are the ___
caput (head)
head/caput of the epididymis
5) Loose connective tissue
6) Lymphocyte, migrating
7) Pseudostratified epithelium
9) Smooth muscle
Corpus (2nd part of epididymis)
3) Duct of the epididymis
5) Loose connective tissue
7) Pseudostratified epithelium
8) Pseudostratified epithelium, efferent ductule
cauda (end of epididymis)
3) Duct of the epididymis
5) Loose connective tissue
7) Pseudostratified epithelium
8) Pseudostratified epithelium, efferent ductule
10) spermatozoa
why are the cells in the caput pseudostratified columnar?
absorb fluids
secrete glycoproteins
1st part of the epididymis
what is the main purpose of the cauda?
smooth muscle push sperm during ejaculation
where do sperm “learn to swim”
___ carries sperm from the epididymis towards the urethra
ductus deferens
Ductus deferens of a dog
- muscularis
- psueodostratified epithelium
- serosa
why are there mucosal folding is the ductus deferens of a stallion
some absorption of fluids is still happening within the ductus deferens
ductus deferens, stallion
- lamina propria
- muscularis
- pseudostratified epithelium
semen is a mixture of sperm and ___
seminal plasma
___ secrete substances that comprise the seminal plasma
accessory sex glands
seminal plasma help with __
aid with copulation
nourish spermatozoa
protect spermatozoa
facilitate sperm transport
What are some accessory sex glands
seminal vesicle/ vesicular gland
ampullary gland
bulbourethral gland/ cowper’s gland
ampullary gland
swelling of ductus deferens
connects to urethra via the ejaculatory duct
makes secretions for seminal plasma as well as store some sperm and remove some sperm
ampulla, ram
1 adventitia
- ampulla, lumen
- gland
- muscularis
- pseudostratified epithelium
seminal vesicles secrete ___ and ___
fructose (nourishment for sperm)
prostaglandins (induce smooth muscle contraction in females repro tract)
seminal vesicle (ram)
- gland
- interlobular septum
not paired
- Two parts
- Disseminate prostate: diffusely spread within wall of pelvis urethra
- Corpus prostate: compact and placed external to urethra
- Mucoserous gland (in most species)
- Secretions support motility and vaginal plug formation
two parts of the prostate
- Disseminate prostate: diffusely spread within wall of pelvis urethra
- Corpus prostate: compact and placed external to urethra
secretion from the prostate help __
support motility and vaginal plug formation
Bulbourethral Gland
- Paired
- Compound tubular glands near urethra
- Secretes pre-ejaculate (mucus-like)
- Absent in dogs
what secretes pre-ejaculate
Bulbourethral Gland
Bulbourethral Gland
- secretory cells
- duct
disseminate prostate, ram
- mucous cell
- smooth muscle
urine and semen flow through the ___ to outside the body
The urethra is divided into the ___ and ___
pelvic urethra
penile urethra
the ___ has a lumen lined with transitional epithelium (expansion!) and is surrounded by stratum __
pelvic urethra
The ___ has a mixture of epithelial types and is surrounded by corpus ___
penile urethra
What are the three regions of the penis
The penis is made of three columns of tissue
- Two crura encased in tunica albuginea •AKA corpus cavernosum
- The urethra is enveloped in the corpus spongiosum
the penis has two crura encased in ___ and is made of ___
tunica albuginea
corpus cavernosum
The urethra is enveloped in the ___
corpus spongiosum
- spongy bone
- os penis
- corpus spongiosum
- urethra, lumen