Test 2 Endocrine Lab Flashcards
pituitary gland
(pars distalis)
acidophils in the pars distalis of the pituitary
(where growth hormone and prolactin are from)
basophils in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland (red or blue)
(FSH LH, TSH- glycoproteins made by basophils)
chromophobes of the pars distalis of the pituitary gland
pale areas in the pars nervosa of the pituitary are?
unmyelinated axons
pituitary gland
pituitary of a cow
adrenal gland
adrenal gland
adrenal gland
adrenal gland, chicken
adrenal gland, chicken
pars nervosa, pituitary
pars distalis, pituitary
cow, pituitary
cow pituitary gland
adrenal cortex
adrenal cortex
adrenal medulla
avian adrenal gland
avian adrenal gland
____(central portion) is stained blue. The ___ (pink) enwraps most of the pars nervosa. The ____ (distalis), orange and very vascular, constitutes the major portion of the
pars nervosa
pars intermedia
pars anterior
Pituitary gland
pituitary gland pars distalis
pituitary gland (pars intermedia)
pituitary gland (pars nervosa)
cow pituitary gland
pituitary gland (pars nervosa) cow
pituitary gland
rathke’s pouch between pars intermedia and pars distalis in a cow
adrenal gland
adrenal gland
adrenal gland
pars distalis has many ___ containing erythrocytes (bright orange).
___ are those cells in the pituitary that possess an affinity for certain dyes.
Chromophils with light orange cytoplasm are ___
Chromophils with blue or red cytoplasmic granules are ___
___ are small, rounded or polygonal cells containing relatively little cytoplasm.
Chromophobes lack an affinity for the usual dyes used in histology and exhibit no visible ___ when observed by light microscopy.
Since the nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio is high in ___, clusters of them appear as groups of relatively tightly packed nuclei amongst the chromophils.
growth hormone and prolactin are derived from ___
acidophils (orange cells) in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) are glycoproteins and are produced by ___.
basophils in the pars distalis of the pituitary
basophils in the pars distalis of the pituitary produce___
Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
luteinizing hormone (LH)
thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH)
which are glycoproteins
acidophils in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland produce
growth hormone and prolactin
(orange cells)
basophils will be stain ___ or ___ and are found in which part of the pituitary gland?
blue or red
pars distalis
Chromophobes are considered to be ___ acidophils or basophils.
___ produce adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), or corticotropin.
in the pars distalis of the pituitary gland
chromophobes produce what and are found where?
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), or corticotropin
pars distalis of the pituitary gland
In the ___, note the numerous capillaries and the pale areas which are composed of unmyelinated axons from the nerve cells of supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus.
pars nervosa
In the pars nervosa, note the numerous ___ and the pale areas which are composed of ____ from the nerve cells of supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of the hypothalamus.
unmyelinated axons
pars nervosa= blue part of pituitary gland
___ containing colloid may be seen in the pars intermedia.
pars intermedia of the pituitary gland with a vesicles(follicle) containing colloid
In the cow’s pituitary, the lumen of ___ persists and is evident on this section as a cleft between the pars distalis and the ___
Rathke’s pouch
pars intermedia
___persists and is evident on this section as a cleft between the pars distalis and the pars intermedia. what animal?
Rathke’s pouch
cow pituitary gland
Note that the pars intermedia partially enwraps the ___ and contains mostly ___
pars nervosa
In the pars nervosa, ___ can be seen in the numerous capillaries.
part of pituitary gland
Also note the numerous small, round or oval nuclei that belong to cells called ___ which are neuroglia cells
the feltwork formed from axons and dendrites of unmyelinated neurons and the glial cell processes of this part of the pituitary
(pars nervosa of the pituitary gland)
In the pars nervosa, ____ granules are stained a light pink and are not differentiated from the neuropil
thyroid is surrounded by a thin ___
connective tissue capsule
___ extend from the capsule of the thyroid into the parenchyma consisting of numerous ___ lined by a simple epithelium of low cuboidal or squamous follicle cells
Follicles of the thyroid gland are lined with ___
simple epithelium of low cuboidal or squamous follicle cells
until stimulated by TSH to become cuboidal or columnar
what does TSH do to follicle cells in the thyroid?
simple epithelium of low cuboidal or squamous follicle cells.
When the gland is stimulated by TSH
cells become cuboidal or columnar.
what is stored in the follicles of the thyroid?
what are the cells next to follicle cells in the thyroid?
parafollicular cells
parathyroid gland: Note the delicate ___ and ___arrangement of the cells
in the parathyroid no ___ cells are present
all of the cells of the parathyroid are ___ cells
chief/ principal cells
zones of the adrenal gland
zona multiformis (outermost),
zona fasciculata (middle),
zona reticularis (innermost).
Cells of the zona multiformis (also called zona glomerulosa) are ___.
adrenal gland (outer most layer)
adrenal gland
zona multiformis (also called zona glomerulosa) are arranged in arc-like formations with the convexity ___ the capsule.
zona fasciculata consists of ___cells arranged in the form of radial cords.
cuboidal or columnar
(middle zone of the cortex of the adrenal gland)
. Numerous vacuoles, which once contained ___, can be seen in the fasciculata cells of the cortex of the ___
adrenal gland- middle layer
The ____ consists of anastomosing cords of cells. They contain fewer lipid vacuoles than those of the zona fasciculata.
zona reticularis
(inner most layer of the cortex of the adrenal gland)
Note the ___ cytoplasm of the cells of the medulla of the adrenal gland
what veins runs through the medulla of the adrenal gland?
central vein
___ (individual cells or clusters of cells) may be found scattered through the medulla of the adrenal gland.
In the medulla, the neurons are nerve cells of the ___ nervous system
Because the cells of the medulla and cortex of the adrenal gland interdigitate, projections of the zona reticularis may be seen amongst the ___cells.
avian adrenal gland. Note that there is a ___ when compared to the mammalian adrenal
gross lack of organization
in the avian adrenal gland, Cords of ___ cells (pink) are seen to be indiscriminately mixed with cords of ___cells (purple)
in the avian adrenal gland, a rich capillary or arteriole/venule supply is evident, and at one pole of the organ a ___ is present.
horse pituitary
cells of the horse endocrine gland
cow pituitary
thyroid gland
adrenal gland
hand drawn pic
__ vaculoles in the cells of the zona fasciculata of the cortex of the medulla
zona reticularis consist of cords of cell which stain more darkly than those of the ___
zona fassiculata (middle layer)
another name for zona multiformis
zona golmerulosa
(outermost layer of the cortex of the adrenal gland)