Test 2: Lab 16: digestive stomach Flashcards
inside portion of the lip- not a lot of keratin
inside portion of the lip- not a lot of keratin
outside layer of the lip
look at hair follicle and sinus hair
found on top of tongue
for grooming, do not have tastebuds
fungiform (mushroom shape) taste buds on lateral surfaces
taste bud from fungiform
3 cells present, sensory, support and basal/stem cell
(hard to see differences)
foliate (folded rectangle)
lateral border of the tongue closest to mollars
top is stratified squamous and keratinized
taste buds on lateral border
taste buds from foliate (rectangle shaped)
single row pointed arrow toward the throat
very big, less of these then the other types of taste buds
this is the deeper layer of the tongue
longitudinal and cross sectioned skeletal muscle
can see capillary and nerves
there are 3 sets of 2 salivary glands there is also
patches of salivary (serous) glands throughout the mouth connective tissue in between
mucous glands, tongue, horse
there are random patches of mucous glands throughout the mouth as well
non keratinized stratified squamous on top
keratinized stratified squamous
most muscle will be in the back of the tongue
bone in birds tongue to help stick out their tongue
keratinized stratified squamous layer on bottom of the tongue
hyaline cartilage of the bone of the tongue
close to entrance to the esophagus
serous and mixed glands can be found in the muscular layer
breakdown of layers in the digestive tract
epithelium- stratified squamous or similar columnar
lamina propria- areolar connective tissue
muscularis mucosa- thin layer of smooth
submucosa- dense irregular connective tissue- support things live here (arteries, veins, nerves, lymphatics)
muscularis externa- 2 layer- inner circular, outer longitudinal
outer layer: adventitia- if part of the tube, sits next to another tissue and share the last layer( example esophagus and trachea) or serosa- if outermost is a flat layer/row of cells (example small intestine)
in digestive tract the layers are mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa and then adventitia or serosa. what are the differences between the last layer
adventitia- if part of the tube, sits next to another tissue and share the last layer( example esophagus and trachea)
serosa- if outermost is a flat layer/row of cells (example small intestine)
epithelium: non- keratinized squamous (more keratinized if plant eating animal
submucosa: has tubular acinar mucous glands
muscularis externa: two layers (skeletal muscle) (closer to the stomach can have some smooth muscle)
high power mucosa and submucosa
mucosa: stratified squamous, lamina propria, muscularis mucosa (little bundles)
submucosa: lots of mucous glands
esophagus, dog
enteric nervous system
plexus can be found two places: in the dense irregular connective tissue (submucosa) and between the two layers of muscularis externa
same layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa and adventia
lamina propria and muscularis mucosa are much broader in a chicken then in a mammal → glands live in the lamina propria instead of the submucosa
difference between chicken and mammal esophagus
lamina propria and muscularis mucosa are much broader in a chicken then in a mammal → glands live in the lamina propria instead of the submucosa
high power of the mucosa layer of a chicken
stratified squamous epithelium
lamina propria→ with glands and lymphatic nodules (no lymph nodes in birds)
muscularis externa→ thicker
can’t see lumen of the esophagus
lamina propria- with mucous gland
muscularis mucosa → thick in chickens
submucosa→ thinner in chickens
muscularis externa
storage area
less tube like, more bag like
same layers
mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa
(the lamina propria does not have mucous glands like the lamina propria of the esophagus did)
mucosa: stratified squamous, lamina propria (no mucous glands) muscularis mucosa
submucosa- thin
muscularis externa
two layers of the dog lip
cutaneous (hairs)
oral mucosa (inner part)
skeletal muscle in the tongue is called
orbicularis oris
of the tip of a cat’s tongue, which shows numerous ___papillae with keratinized ___ and an occasional ___(mushroom-like) papillae on the dorsal surface
The ventral surface of a cat tongue is covered by a ___ epithelium
nonkeratinized, stratified squamous
three types of cells in a taste bud
sensory, supporting and stem
epithelium of a avian tongue
complete outer layer of stratified squamous epithelium which is thicker and nonkeratinized on most of the dorsal surface and thinner and keratinized on the ventral surface
The bone in the bird tongue is an extension from the
hyoid apparatus
avian pharynx
Skeletal muscle of the hyoid apparatus may be present on this section indicating that it was taken from the ventral portion of the pharynx.
avian salivary glands are found throughout the oropharynx, the posterior tongue and in the esophagus.
They are aggregates of many compound tubular glands of the mucous type. They usually empty into a common duct to the outside. Some single glands may empty their secretions by a separate duct. The common ducts have a ___epithelium. There are no serous or mixed glands in the chicken.
low columnar
the dog esopagus has branched ____ mucous (the predominant type) or mixed glands that form a continuous stratum in the ___
The ____ is made up of longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle, which, in the dog, becomes a continuous sheet of muscle in the vicinity of the stomach.
muscularis mucosae
The ___ consists of two layers of skeletal muscle,inner circular and outer longitudinal, with some smooth muscle near the caudal end.
muscularis externa
In some species, e.g., the horse, pig, and cat, the entire caudal 1/3 to 1/2 of the muscularis externa is composed of ___muscle.
In the dog and cow, the muscularis externa remains predominantly___ the entire length of the esophagus.
The___ functions as a storage area, primarily in herbivorous species. It enables birds to eat and store a large amount of food quickly and then digest it later in a more sheltered environment
In birds there are ___ nodules frequently found in association with the mucous salivary glands.
(no lymph nodes in birds
mucous salivary glands are present in the region where the crop joins the esophagus but are ___ from the rest of the crop
During the reproductive season, the crop epithelium in the Columbiformes (pigeons and doves) rapidly proliferates and desquamates fat-laden cells. This epithelial product, known as ___, is fed along with food particles to the nestlings.
crop- or pigeon-milk,
Greater flamingos and emperor penguins also produce a nutritive fluid and are the few examples of birds producing a substance similar to mammalian ___ to feed their young.