lecture 4: cartilage Flashcards
complex of cells and extracellular matrix that provides supporting and connecting framework for all other tissues of the body
connective tissue
ECM provides
a way for cells to interact
ECM can be divided into two groups
- provides structural support and tensile strength
ground substance
- part protein, part sugar
ECM fibers can be broken into 3 groups
- collagenous or fibrillar (30 types; fibril forming and non) (pink rope like structures)
- reticular (non-fibril- forming) (criss cross network)
- elastic (elastin) (walls of arteries, allow stretch)
describe ECM ground substance
Part sugar/ part protein
- long negative charged chains (sulfate groups and carboxyl groups make it negative)
structural glycoproteins
- branched
- (fibronectin, laminin, vitronectin, tenascin, thrombospondin, entactin, ect)
what charge does glycosaminoglycans/proteoglycan have and why?
sulfate groups and carboxyl groups (make it negative)
Cartilage cells
chondrocytes secrete ___
the extra cellular matrix
ground substance (little specs) usually closer to the cell
fiber component usually farther away from cell
what is this
components of ECM
fibril is made of
a bunch of collagen molecule
eosinophilic-will stain pink
placed like “bricks” have little openings (hole zones) between each other that make fibril have stripped appearance
(individual, head to tail quarter staggered collagen molecules)
fibrils will randomly criss cross each other this is called
cross striated collagen fibrils
collagen molecule is made of
3 polypeptide chains that wind around each other
- type II collagen
- trimeric
- rope like, rigid
+ charged (many basic amino acids’s (lysine and histidine))
what makes collagen molecule positive charge
has a lot of positively charged amino acids
lysine and histidine
eosin is a ___ dye
acidic dye
negative charge
will stain basic (+) acidophilic structures pink
hematoxylin is a ___ dye
positive charge
will stain acidic(-) or basophilic structures blue/purple
collagen is ___ charged therefore it will stain with ___ and be ___
positive charged
make up of ground substance
supramolecular aggregate of sulfated proteoglycans (negative charge)
back bone of hyaluronic acid (GAG) glycosaminoglycans
cross attached with proteoglycans (core protein)
each protein have more GAG cross attached to them
attached to each other by link proteins
back bone of ground substance
hyaluronic acid (GAG)
glycosaminoglycans (chain of repeating sugar heterodimers)
what is the name of the GAG molecules that attach to the core proteins of ground substance
chondroitin sulfate
keratan sulfate
(contains sulfate groups, high negative charge)
what is special about
chondroitin sulfate
keratan sulfate
and where are they found
contain sulfate groups
high negative charge
cross linked to core proteins of ground substance
what does the negative charge of the GAG chains do
spread out for each other and GAG on other core proteins
- hydrophilic- bind to water/ very hydrated- jello like
- basophilic ( will bind to hematoxylin- will stain purple)
-metachromatic- shift in color of the stain
what does GAG proteins being hydrophilic do?
makes them bind to a bunch of water
gel-like, jello like
very hydrated
most common type of cartilage
younger cartilage cells live on the ___ of tissue
older, more mature cartilage cells live ___
deeper within tissue
surrounded by ECM- ground substance and type II fibrils
how does cartilage get nutrients
two layer membrane on surface of cartilage that contains
- outer membrane dense irregular connective tissue and vasculature
- inner membrane has progenitor cells for cartilage
perichondrium layers
- outer membrane dense irregular connective tissue and vasculature
- inner membrane has progenitor cells for cartilage
what enables cartilage to be compressed
sulfated proteoglycans
when compressed they will let go of the water and get closer to each other, compress
when compression stops, they will rebind to water and expand away from each other