Test 1: lecture 9: neoplasia Flashcards
5 round cell tumors
lymphocyte → lymphoma
plasma cells → plasmacytoma or myeloma
mast cell → graded in dogs
histiocytic → histiocytoma or histiocytic sarcoma
TVT → venereal spread
acute inflammation cells
chronic inflammation cells
lymphocytes and plasma cells and macrophages
granulomatous inflammation cells
epithelioid macrophages
giant cells
surgical emergency
can resolve on their own
type of benign round cell tumor
A swollen part; swelling; protuberance; commonly used term for a neoplasm.
Malignant and invasive growth or tumor; Any evil condition or thing that spreads destructively.
The formation or presence of a new, abnormal growth of tissue.
study of neoplasms (onco, neoplasm and logos, study of)
a mass of disorganized tissue indigenous to that particular site.
a mass of normal tissue at an abnormal site, also referred to as a heterotopic rest of cells.
refers to the lack of uniformity of individual cells as well as loss in architectural orientation.
dysplasia → premalignant condition
Fibroadnexal Hamartoma
disorganized but should be there
Splenic choristoma (in the pancreas)
a tissue growing somewhere it should not be- grows normally
hamartoma- disorganized growth of tissue that should be there
what are some ways neoplastic cells have developed to survive
require fewer growth factors
nonantigenic- body can’t see it
benign mesenchymal tissues neoplasms are called __
cell type + OMA
benign neoplasm of smooth muscle
Leio (smooth) myo (muscle) + OMA (mesenchymal tissue)
gastric leiomyoma
smooth muscle benign neoplasm
Fat/Lipocyte/Adipocyte + OMA = benign neoplasm of fat
Connective tissue/Fibroblasts/cytes + OMA = benign neoplasm of
fibrous connective tissue
Fibroblasts/cytes + OMA = FIBROMA
how to name benign glandular epithelial tissue neoplasm
Cell/Tissue + Adenoma = name of neoplasm
Hepatoid Gland + Adenoma = Hepatoid Gland Adenoma
how to name a benign non glandular epithelial neoplasm
Papilloma vs. polyp – non glandular epithelial neoplasms
• Squamous epithelium + papilloma = Squamous Papilloma
Sebaceous glands (sebocytes) + OMA = benign neoplasm of sebaceous glands
• Sebaceous adeno (gland) + OMA = SEBACEOUS ADENOMA
Parathyroid gland + OMA = benign neoplasm of the parathyroid
Parathyroid adeno + OMA = PARATHYROID ADENOMA
benign mesenchymal tissue
Viral papilloma
Papilloma vs. polyp – benign non glandular epithelial neoplasms
Fibroepithelial polyp
Papilloma vs. polyp – benign non glandular epithelial neoplasms
Endometrial (Uterine) polyp
Papilloma vs. polyp – benign non glandular epithelial neoplasms
oma → benign mesenchymal tissue
oma: benign mesenchymal tissue
apocrine cytoadenoma
adenoma : benign glandular epithelial tissue
how to name malignant mesenchymal tissue
malignant neoplasm of skeletal muscle
Rhabdo (rod-shaped) myo (muscle) + Sarcoma = Rhabdomyosarcoma
Fat + Sarcoma = malignant neoplasm of adipocytes (fat) (mesenchymal cell)
liposarcoma= malignant mesenchymal cell
lipoma = benign mesenchymal cell
osteosarcoma = malignant tumor of bone (osteoblasts) (malignant mesenchymal)
osteoma= benign mesenchymal
hemangiosarcoma- malignant mesenchymal
hemagioma- benign mesenchymal
neoplasm of endothelium of blood vessels
how to name malignant epithelial non glandular neoplasm
carcinoma vs carcinoma in situ
carcinoma in situ: malignant neoplasm of non glandular epithelial tissue that has not broken through the basement membrane
how to name a malignant glandular epithelial neoplasm
carcinoma is used for
malignant non glandular epithelial neoplasms
adenocarcinoma is used for
malignant glandular epithelial neoplasm
oma is used for
benign mesenchymal tissue neoplasms
adenoma is used for
benign glandular epithelial tissue neoplasms
papilloma is used for
benign non glandular epithelial neoplasms
(can also use polyp)
polyp is used for
benign non glandular epithelial neoplasma
sarcoma is used for
malignant mesenchymal tissue neoplams
benign mesenchymal neoplasms end in ___. malignant end in ___
travel in the blood stream (hematogenous)
benign epithelial non glandular tissue
papilloma vs polyp
travel in the lymph nodes
benign glandular epithelial tissue vs malignant
left is normal
carcinoma in situ (has not broken basement membrane)
malignant non glandular epithelial neoplasm
mammary adenocarcinoma
malignant glandular epithelial tissue neoplasm
chondro sarcoma
sarcoma= malignant mesenchymal tissue
squamous cell carcinoma
carcinoma = malignant non glandular epithelial tissue
how well defined the borders of a neoplasm are
Well-encapsulated neoplasm
well demarcated or invasive?
invasive→ malignant
infiltrative adenocarcinoma
causing desmoplasia- stimulate the formation of an abundant collagenous stroma by the host
stimulate the formation of an abundant collagenous stroma by the host
mitotic figures
how do malignant epithelial cell tumors spread
carcinomas spread by the lymphatics
how do malignant mesenchymal cell tumors spread
sarcomas spread by blood vessels (hematogenous)
another name for seeding
is this the primary or secondary lesion
secondary → traveled from somewhere else
primary lesion usually only have 1 tumor
___ is performed by clinicians.
___ is performed by pathologists.
Based on data that relates specific pathologic features to clinical behavior and prognosis
done by a pathologist
soft tissue carcinoma
mast cell tumor
malignant non glandular epithelial cell tissue
“New growth.” The formation or presence of a new, abnormal growth of tissue. A process in which normal cells undergo irreversible genetic changes, which render them unresponsive to ordinary control on growth.
- A swollen part; swelling; protuberance.
- An uncontrolled, abnormal, circumscribed growth of cells in any animal or plant tissue; neoplasm
adnexal hamartoma
disorganized tissue of cells that are from that area
progeny spleen is an example of ___
organized growth of tissue not from that area
Some neoplasms stimulate the formation of an abundant collagenous stroma by the host, referred to as ___, and thus feel very firm or scirrhous.
implies that the neoplasm is considered relatively innocuous based on its gross and microscopic appearance.
Mesenchymal neoplasms:
• In general, attach the suffix ___
___ is a benign epithelial neoplasm with a glandular pattern or of glandular tissue.
___ is a benign cystic epithelial neoplasm
___ is a benign epithelial neoplasm growing on an epithelial surface that forms microscopic or macroscopic finger like projections
may be associated with papillomavirus infection.
___ is a mass projecting above an epithelial surface that forms a macroscopically (grossly) visible structure.
Mesenchymal neoplasms:
• In general, attach the suffix
malignant whether of ectodermal or endodermal origin
the malignant neoplastic epithelial cells are present in a glandular pattern.
a pre-invasive stage which does not invade through the basement membrane characterized by severe dysplasia of the epithelial cells, including: mitoses above the basal cell layer, nuclear and cellular pleomorphism, darker staining nuclei (hyperchromasia),loss of architectural orientation.
carcinoma in situ
If the epithelial component is malignant then it is a ___. If the epithelial and mesenchymal (cartilage or bone) components are malignant then it is called a ___
complex carcinoma
carcinosarcoma or malignant mixed tumor.
Arises from totipotential cells, primarily in the ovary and testis.
There are tissues of epithelial, mesenchymal and neural origin within the neoplasm (e.g haired skin, respiratory epithelium, bone, cartilage, adipose tissue, neural tissue and dental tissue).
___ refers to the extent to which neoplastic cells resemble comparable normal cells, both morphologically and functionally
“to form backward” - refers to a lack of differentiation of the neoplastic cells on microscopic examination and implies de-differentiation or loss of structural and functional differentiation of normal cells.
Most cancers do not represent “reverse differentiation” of mature normal cells but arise from stem cells that fail to differentiate.
variation in shape and size, refers to the entire cell or the nucleus
cells of different sizes
nuclei of different sizes
The greater the cellular and nuclear pleomorphism, the less the
neoplastic cell resembles the normal differentiated cell, the
more ___ the cell.
The nuclei of neoplastic cells may contain abundant chromatin
and are dark staining called ___
The nuclei are disproportionately large for the cell, and the nucleus-to-cytoplasm ratio is distorted may approach 1:1 instead of the normal 1:4 or 1:6.
karyomegaly (large nuclei)
When compared with benign tumors and some well- differentiated malignant neoplasms, undifferentiated neoplasms usually have large numbers of ___, reflecting the higher proliferative activity.
___neoplasms often have atypical, bizarre mitotic figures, sometimes producing tripolar, quadripolar, or multipolar spindles.
___(# of mitoses in 10 consecutive high power fields) - is often a good indication of the growth rate and malignant potential of a neoplasm
Mitotic index
Some non-endocrine cancers produce hormones - a condition
known as ___
Paraneoplastic syndrome.
Paraneoplastic syndrome.
Some non-endocrine cancers produce hormones
The most common paraneoplastic syndrome is hypercalcemia due to the synthesis of parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) by neoplastic cells (e.g. LSA, anal sac gland carcinoma)
Rate of growth determined by 3 factors: (1) ___ of tumor cells, (2) fraction of tumor cells that are in the ___ pool and (3) rate at which cells are ___
doubling time
shed or die.
The growth rate of tumors correlates with their level of differentiation, and thus most ___ tumors grow more rapidly than ___ lesions.
___ Grow as cohesive expansile masses that remain localized to their site of origin and do not infiltrate, invade or metastasize.
benign neoplasma
the development of secondary neoplasms at sites distant from the primary neoplasm.
___ spread is mostly found with carcinomas.
carcinomas spread to the __
lymphatics then into blood and lungs
____ spread is mostly found with sarcomas
sarcomas spread by ___
hematogenous spread
cancer grows into veins or venules and lead to the lungs and liver
___ or seeding occurs when cancers invade and seed a natural body cavity (thorax or abdominal cavity) and re-implant at distant sites within the cavity
Transcoelomic spread
transcoelomic spread is most
commonly seen with carcinomas of the ___, and is referred to as
ovary, gastrointestinal tissue and lung
transcoelomic spread/ seeding
Transmissible Venereal Tumor (TVT).
Transmission occurs only by transplantation of viable neoplastic cells during coitus. Immunocompromised dogs may show distant metastasis.
The normal chromosome number is reduced from 78 to 58 or 59 in the neoplastic cells.
staging is done by the ___
extent of the spread
grading is done by the ___
based upon the microscopic appearance of a neoplasm with H&E staining. In general, a higher grade means that there is a lesser degree of differentiation and the worse the biologic behavior of a malignant neoplasm will be.
benign and malignant neoplasm of Stratified squamous epithelium
Squamous cell carcinoma
benign and malignant neoplasm of Glandular/ductal epithelium
adenoma, papilloma, cystadenoma
andenocarcinoma, cystadenocarcinoma
benign and malignant neoplasm of Liver cells
hepatocellular adenoma
hepatocellular carcinoma
benign and malignant neoplasm smooth muscle
benign and malignant neoplasm of skeletal muscle
malignant lymphoid tissue
malignant hematopoietic cells
benign and malignant melanocytes
malignant melanoma
benign and malignant adrenal medulla cells
benign or malignant totipotential cells
malignant teratoma