socialization Flashcards
beliefs, customs, and cultural norms are often passed down from one generation to another within a society in a process called ________
cultural transmission
cultural learning
spread of norms, customs, and beliegs from one culture to another can occur and is called _____________
cultural diffusion
explain primary socialization
occurs during childhood
initially learn acceptable actions and attitudes in our society
primarily through the observation of our parents / adults in close proximity
explain secondary socialization
process of learning appropriate behavior within smaller sections of the larger society
outside of the home, based on learning the rules of specific social environments
_____________ is the process by which a person prepares for future chnages in ocupations, living situations, or relationship
anticipatory socialization
____________ is the process by which one discards old bahviors in favor of new ones, typically through inensice retraining and can have positive or negative outcomes
____________ are societal rules that define the boundaries of acceptable behavior
___________ are widely observed social nroms
penalties for misconduct or rewards for appropriate behavior are called _________
explain the difference between negative and positive sanctions
negative = punish behaviors that deviate from norms
positive = reward behaviors that comply with norms
_________ sanctions are enforced by social institutions like governments or employers
give an exmaple of a positive and negative formal sanction
positive = promotion
negative = jail sentence
__________ sanctions are enforced by social groups
give an example of a positive and negative informal sanction
positive = sit at the “popular kids” table during lunch
negative = exclusion from a social group
__________ are norms that refer to behavior that is considered polite in particular social interactions
*shaking hands after s sports match
any part of society that is importnat when learning social norms and vlaues is called a ___________
agent of socialization
give exmaples of common agents of socialization
ethnic background
clubs / social groups
___________ refers to any violation of norms, rules or expectations within a society
____________ is the extreme disapproval or dislike of a person or group based on perceived differences from the rest of society
social stigma
explain the labeling theory
labels are given toa person affect not only how others respond to that person but also affect that persons self image
*this can lead to channeling of behavior into deviance or conformity
internalizing a label and assuming the role implied by the label may lead to the assumed role taking over a person identity, this is known as ___________
role engulfment
explain the differntial association theory
deviance can be learned through interactions with others
“fallen into the wrong group”
explain the strain theory
deviance is a natural reaction to the disconnect between social goals and social structure
*deviant behavior such as theft may arise as an attempt to achieve the social goal outside of the limiting social structure
____________ is amtching ones attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors to a group or societal norm
T / F - conformity is also known as majority influence
_________ is the desire to fit into a gorup because of fear of rejection
normative conformity
__________ involves changing ones behavior to fit with a group while also privately agreeing with the ideas of the group
*i internally agree with these views
___________ refers to the outward acceotance of others ideas without personally taking on these ideas
_________ is a change om behavior based on a direct request
explain the foot in the door compliancy technique
begins with a small request, and after gaining compliance, a larger request is made
*classmate asks for notes, you agree, later in the day the classmate asks you to make copies of the notes because he doesn’t have access to a copier
explain the door in the face compliancy technique
large request is made at first and if refused, a second smaller request is made
*classmate asks you to make a copy of your notes, you refuse, the classmate might ask to borrow your notes to make copies themselves
explain the lowball compliancy technique
requestor will get an initial commitment from an individual and then raise the “cost” of the commitment
*boss asks you to head a committee with a 5 hour time commitment each week, you agree, but later find out that the commitment includes the 5 hours per week plus written reports from each committee meeting
explain the thats not all compliancy technique
individual made an offer, but before making a decision is told the deal is even better than originally expected
*informercials = offer earring at a low price of $19.99, but wait! if you buy now you will recieve the matching necklace absolutely free
explain the difference between compliance and obediance
compliance = request made by people without actual authority over an individual
obediance = changing ones behavior in response to a direct order or expectation expressed by an authority figure
T / F - people are more likely to comply rather than obey
false, people are more likely to obey than comply