personality Flashcards
_________ consists of the basic, primal, inborn urges to survive and reproduce
the id functions according to the _________ principle
*aim is to achieve immediate gratification to relieve any pent up tension
___________ is the id’s response to frustration based on the pleasure principle
primary process
*obtain satisfaction now, not later
__________ can be understood as the orgaizer of the mind
*decision maker
the ego operates according to the ____________ principle
*taking into account objective reality as it guides or inhibits the activity of the id and the id’s pleasure principle
_______________ is the personality’s perfectionist, judging our actions and responding with pride at our accomplishments and guilt at our failures
__________ is a colelction os the improper actions for which a child is punished, ___________ consists of proper actions for which a child is reward
punished = conscience
rewarded = ego-ideal
life instincts = ?
death instincts = ?
life = eros (survival)
death = thanatos (wish for death / destruction)
the egos recourse for relieving anxiety caused by the clash of the id and superego is through ________
defense mechanisms
eight main defense mechanisms?
- repression
- suppresions
- regression
- reaction formation
- projection
- rationalization
- displacement
- sublimation
___________ is the egos way of forcing undesired thoughts and urges to the inconscious
_____________ is the egos more conscious form of forgetting
__________ is reversion to an earlier developmental stage
*stress = suck thumb
__________ occurs when an individual suppresses urges by unconsciously converting these urges to their exact opposite
reaction formation
*loves female celeb, but can never have her = hate for celeb
___________ is when individuals attribute their undesired feelings to other
*i hate my parents turns into my parents hate me
____________ is the justification of behaviors in a manner that is acceptable to the self and society
__________ describes the transference of undesired urge from one person to another
*angry at boss = yelling at spouse
__________ is the transformation of unacceptable urges into socially acceptable behaviors
*pent up sexual urges = drive for business success
__________ is a jungian archetype that is the part of our personality that we present to the world
*the person i show the world
__________ is a jungian archetype that describes the “man’s inner woman”
*men watch anime to feel like women
__________ is a jungian archetype that describes the “woman’s inner man”
*us = women
__________ is a jungian archetype that is responsible for the appearance of unpleasant thoughts, feelings, and actions experienced in the unconscious mind
____________ is the point of intersection between the collective and personal unconscious
personal unconscious = thoughts to which we have conscious access
collective unconscious = considered to be a residue to the experiences of our early ancestors
jung’s three dichotomies of personality
- extraversion vs introversion
- sensing vs intuiting
- thinking vs feeling
_____________ is an individuals sense of incompleteness, inperfection, and inferiority both physically and socially
inferiority complex
___________ is the force by which each individual shapes their uniqueness and establishes their personality
creative self
___________ represents the manifestation of the creative self and describes a persons unique way of schieving superiority
style of life
what is fictional finalism proposed by adler?
notion that an individual is motictaed more by his expectations of the future than by past experiences
*life would be perfect if only …
karen horney explained that inadequate parenting can cause vulnerability and helplessness = ___________
basic anxiety
karen horney explained that neglect and rejection can cause anger = ___________
basic hostility
what is gestalt therapy?
holistic view of the self, seeing each individual as a complete person rather thanr educing them to individual behaviors or drivers
explain kurt lewins force field therapy
focusing on the situations in the persent
- assisting in our attainment of goals
- blocking our attainment of goals
*LEWIS in a force field of the present
T / F - according to Kurt Lewins, self actualized people are less likely than people who are not self actualized to have peak experiences
false, according to Maslow, self actualized people are more likely than people who are not self actualized to have peak experiences
peak experiences = deeply moving experiences in a persons life that have important and lasting effects
____________ is a theory from george kelly that thought of the individual as a scientist, a person who devises and tests predictions about the behavior of significant people in his / her life
personal construct theory
*KELLY (killing) = predicts troublesome events
what is the purpose of person centered therapy created by carl rogers?
helps the client reflect on problems, make choice, generate solutions, take positive action, and determine their own destiny
____________ is a therapeutic technique by whcih the therapist accepts the client completely and expresses empathy in order to promote a positive therapeutic environment
unconditional positive regard
______________ personalities are characterized by behavior that tends to be competitive and compulsive
type A
__________ personalities are generally laid back and relaxed
type B
T / F - type A personalities are more prone to heart disease than those with type B
explain the three traits of the Eysencks PEN model
P = Psychoticism, nonconformity / social deviance
E = Extraversion, tolerance for social interation / stimulation
N = Neuroticism, emotional arousal in stressful situation
list and explain the Big Five
Big Five = OCEAN
O = Openness, willingness to engage with the world
C = Conscientiousness, self control
E = Extraverson, tolerance for social interation / stimulation
A = Agreeableness, concered about the peace and harmony in their interactions
N = Neuroticism, emotional arousal in stressful situation
gordon allport created three basic types of traits, what are they?
- cardinal
- central
- secondary
__________ traits around which a person organizes their life
*cardinals are red and demand attention
__________ traits represent major characteristics of the personality that are easy to infer
*central because they are at the center of my life
__________ traits are other personal characteristics that are more limited in occurrence (may appear in groups)
*may come out if there is a second person in the room
__________ is a behavior that continues despite satisfaction of the drive that originally created the behavior
functional autonomy
*hunter, originally for food, eventually for enjoyment
describe a person who has a high N-Ach
high need for achievement
concerned with achievement and have pride in their accomplishments
avoids high risk (to avoid failing) and low risks (easy task does not generate a sense of achievement)
set realistic goals
explain the difference between a behaviorists perspective of personality and a social cognitive perspective
behaviorists = based heavily on the concepts of operant conditioning (therapy = based on changing behaviors through operant conditioning)
social cognitive = focusing on how our environment influences our behavior and how we interact with the environment
_________ refers to the idea that our thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and environment all interact with each other to determine our actions in a given situation
reciprocal determinism
*people choose environments that suit their personalities
__________ approach = behavior is determined by a individuals personality
__________ approach = behavior is determined by the environment / context
dispositional approach = behavior is determined by a individuals personality
situational approach = behavior is determined by the environment / context