social class Flashcards
_______ focuses on social inequalities and studies the basic question of who gets what and why
social stratification
explain the difference between ascribed and achieved social status
ascribed = given to you, race, gender, age
achieved = acquired via direct efforts, doctor, lawyer
_______ is the highest degree obtained or the number of years of education completed
educational attainment
___________ is the proportional improvement in healthcare as one moves up in socioeconomic status
socioeconomic gradient
__________ refers to the amount of positive regard society has for a given person or idea
__________ is the ability to affect others behavior through real or perceived rewards and punishments
___________ refers to the organization of the working class around shared goals and recognition of a need for collective political action
class consciousness
__________ is the misconception of ones actual position within society
false consciouness
*do not see how bad conditions are, do not recognize the commonalities between their own experiences and others, or are too clouded to assemble into the revoluntionaries
_________ refers to a lack of widely accepted social norms and the rbeakdown of social bonds between and individual and society
what is the strain theory?
it expalins how anomie (disappearance of norms) can lead to deviance
____________ is the sense of community and social cohesion
social solidarity
__________ is the investment people make in their society in return for economic or collective rewards
social capital
T / F - the greater the investment, the higher the level of social integration
__________ is the mvoement of a new or minority population into a larger culture while maintain their ethnic identities
social integration
social network can create what two types of social inequalities?
- situational = socioeconomic advantage
- positional = based on how connected one is within a network and ones centrality within that network
_________ is the inequality of opportunity
explain the difference between social and cultural capital
social = benefits one receives from group association
cultural = benefits one receives from knowledge, abilities, skills
______________ refer to peer group and kinship contact which are small but qualitatively powerful
______________ refer to social connections that are personallu superficial but are large in number and provide connections to a wide range of others
strong ties
weak ties
__________ is the compounding of disadvantage seen in individuals who belong to more than one underserved group
__________ allows one to acquire higher level employment opportunities given proper credentials and experience requirements
social mobility
what is the difference between intragenerational and intergenerational mobility
INTRAgenerational = changes in social status that happens within a person lifetime
INTERgenerational = changes in social status from parents to children
___________ is a social structure in which intellectual talent and achievements are means for a person to advance up the social ladder
____________ is a social structure that is ruled by the upper class
give a definition for the following terms:
vertical mobility
horizontal mobility
downward mobility
vertical mobility = moving into higher position / social class
horizontal mobility = chnage in occupation but the individual stays within the same social class
downward mobility = moving in lower position / social class
what is social reproduction?
social inequality can be reproduced or passed on from one generational to the next
_________ poverty results from problems in society that lead to a lack of opportunity and a lack of jobs
what is the difference between absolute and relative poverty?
absolute = people do not have enough money to maintain a quality of living that includes basic life necessities
relative = people are poor in comparison to the larger population in which they live
__________ is derived from the governments calculation of the minimum income requirements for families to acquire the minimum necessities of life
poverty line
__________ can arise from a snese of powerlessness when poor individuals feel segregated and isolated from society
social exclusion
__________ focuses on social stratification across territories and their populations
spatial inequality
__________ is the migration pattern of the middle classes to suburban communities
___________ in which a previosuly functional portion of a city deteriorates and becomes decrepit over time
urban decay
_________ is when city land is reclaimed and renovated for public or private use
urban renewal
what is gentrification?
upper / middle class begin to purchase and renovate neighborhoods in deteriorated areas, displacing the low SES population
give definitions for the following terms
core nation
peripheral nation
semi peripheral nation
core nation = focus on higher skills and higher paying productions
peripheral nation = lower skilled productions
semi peripheral nation = midway between core / peripheral, working on becoming a core nation while having many characteristics of a peripheral nation