Socialism- The Origins Of Socialism Flashcards
An economic system, organised by the market and based on private property, free enterprise and competition between individuals and companies.
Socialists are concerned that this system produces unfair and unequal economic and social consequences for individuals.
Revolutionary socialism
Originally derived from the work of Marx and Engels, this is also known as Marxism. It argues that socialist values cannot coexist with capitalism and therefore a revolution is inevitable to create a communist society.
How is socialism traditionally defined?
Socialism is traditionally defined as being opposed to capitalism.
Who first used the term “socialism”?
Utopian socialists Charles Fourier and Robert Owen in the early nineteenth century.
What are the two main branches of socialism?
Revolutionary socialism and evolutionary socialism.
What are the two main strands of revolutionary socialism?
Marxism and utopian socialism.
When did revolutionary socialism develop?
In the nineteenth century.
What are the three main strands of evolutionary socialism?
Democratic socialism, social democracy, and the Third Way.
When did evolutionary socialism emerge?
In the twentieth century.
What do the strands of evolutionary socialism agree on?
They believe that capitalism can be reformed, but they disagree about how this should be achieved.
Who articulated democratic socialism, and when did it emerge?
Beatrice Webb articulated democratic socialism in the early twentieth century.
What did Beatrice Webb argue about achieving socialism?
She argued that socialism could be gradually achieved within the pre-existing parliamentary structure through mass nationalization and the efforts of a socialist elite.
When did social democracy emerge?
After the Second World War.
What was social democracy influenced by, and who was a key thinker?
It was influenced by the ideas of Anthony Crosland.
What did social democracy advocate for?
A mixed economy and increased state spending on public services to facilitate social justice.
When did the Third Way emerge, and who were its key proponents?
The Third Way emerged in the 1980s and 1990s, championed by Tony Blair in the UK and Bill Clinton in the USA.
What ideas was the Third Way based on, and who influenced it?
It was based on a synthesis of neoliberal and social democratic ideas, influenced by Anthony Giddens.