Political Parties- The Liberal Democratic Party Flashcards
The main ideas of the Lib Dem party:
+ a strong belief in individual liberty
+ a stress on equal rights and the rule of law
+ state welfare to provide equal opportunities and greater freedom of choice, with a well-supported education system
+ checks and balances in the political system to prevent abuse of power
+ constitutional reform to make the UK more democratic and to decentralise
+greater protection for the environment and natural resources
+support for private property ownership
+ the abolition of inherited privilege
+ an ease with people leading diverse lifestyles and with multiculturalism
+ a close relationship with the EU
Is the Liberal Democratic Party unified?
No, split into two main factions:
Classical ‘Orange Book’ Liberals
Modern Liberals
Classical (‘Orange Book’) liberals
Liberals following a form of liberalism harking back to the nineteenth century which proposed the maximisation of personal freedom and the minimal state.
Classical liberals believe in:
+maximisation of personal freedom, extended to freedom for individuals to keep their own wealth and property
+ free markets and free trade
+ a smaller state with curbs on government spending
Modern liberals believe in:
+ freedom being achieved by a strong welfare state that helps to provide equality of opportunity
+ an ‘enabling’ state
+ a graduated tax system whereby lower-income groups do not pay as much as higher-income groups
Modern liberals
Liberals who emerged after classical liberalism in the late nineteenth century. While still insisting on maximum freedom, they also accept that the state should intervene to create greater equality of opportunity, welfare and social justice. Modern liberals also support social diversity.
2019 Lib Dems Manifesto promise
Promise to tackle the climate emergency by insulating all low-income homes by 2025
Stop Brexit
Increase corporation tax to 20% from the current 17%
Reverse cuts to school funding and allow schools to employ 20,000 more teachers
Do classical liberals support the policy?
Promise to tackle the climate emergency by insulating all low-income homes by 2025
Yes. This policy does not interfere with property rights and would therefore be supported.
Do modern liberals support the policy?
Promise to tackle the climate emergency by insulating all low-income homes by 2025
Yes. Reducing energy bills means the low-paid will be more ‘free’ to save or to spend their wages on what they need.
Do classical liberals support the policy?
Increase corporation tax to 20% from the current 17%
No. Higher taxes on businesses could harm growth.
Do modern liberals support the policy?
Increase corporation tax to 20% from the current 17%
Yes. It is important to raise taxes in order to fund the welfare state.
Do classical liberals support the policy?
Stop Brexit
Yes. Desire for free markets and free movement of capital leads classical liberals to support this policy.
Do modern liberals support the policy?
Stop Brexit
Yes. Modern liberals believe that Britain’s diverse, multicultural society will come under threat from Brexit.
Do classical liberals support the policy?
Reverse cuts to school funding and allow schools to employ 20,000 more teachers
No. Classical liberals supported the austerity agenda of the coalition government of 2010-15.
Do classical liberals support the policy?
Reverse cuts to school funding and allow schools to employ 20,000 more teachers
Do modern liberals support the policy?
Reverse cuts to school funding and allow schools to employ 20,000 more teachers
Yes. Education funding is key to ensuring equality of opportunity.
When was the Orange book faction particularly influential ?
when the party entered into a coalition with the Conservative Party between 2010 and 2015. Its leader at the time, Nick Clegg, said that the party needed to be ‘savage’ when it came to public-sector cuts. However, since 2015 the party has moved back towards supporting modern liberal policies, as Table 2.5 demonstrates.