Democracy And Participation- What Is A Democracy In General? Flashcards
A situation whereby the outcome of elections is accepted, and the authority of government is recognised by the public.
Criteria and what can serve as a working definition when answering questions about democracy in general:
+ The people have influence, either direct or indirect, over political decisions.
+ Government and elected bodies or individuals are accountable to the people.
+ Government should operate within the rule of law, whereby all are equal under the law and government is subject to the same laws as the people.
+ Elections should be held regularly, they should be free and fair, and there should be universal adult suffrage.
+ These elections convey legitimacy upon the government.
+people should be free to form political parties and other associations and to stand for elective office.
+ The transition of power from one government to the next must be peaceful.
+ The people should have access to independent information and opinion.
+ The rights and freedoms of the people should be respected by government.
+ Power should rest in many places, not just one.