Socialism- The Different Types Of Socialism Flashcards
Evolutionary socialism
Rather than radical change coming about via a revolution, socialism is to be achieved gradually within the pre-existing parliamentary structure.
Socialism will therefore emerge in a gradual, piecemeal fashion via the state.
Social justice
A moral justification for redistributing wealth so as to limit inequality and provide equality of opportunity for everyone in society.
common ownership
An idea influenced by the socialist ideas of fraternity and equality, whereby all members of society can benefit from state ownership and participate in the running and organisation of the means of production. It is the opposite of private ownership, which exists in the free-market capitalist economy.
An ideological and revolutionary theory of socialism that attempts to explain history scientifically in terms of the inevitable demise of capitalism and its replacement by communism.
The belief that humans should regard each other as siblings rather than rivals and, therefore, relationships should be based not on competition or enmity but on generosity and solidarity.
Individuals working collectively to achieve mutual benefit.
Historical materialism
A theory which argues that economic factors are the driving force for changing events. This economic case formed and shaped the superstructure, which was made up of culture, politics, law, religion, ideology and social consciousness.
A clash of ideas and perceptions between each stage of history. It occurs when society’s pre-existing set of values, as understood by the ruling class, is no longer valued by an alienated majority. A new society will be born from these two opposing forces.
A society that is communally organised with an economy built on the elimination of private property in favour of common ownership, in which goods are owned by everyone and available to all as needed.
class consciousness
The moment when the proletariat would realise that capitalism was exploiting them, thus empowering them to begin the collective struggle of revolution, after which communism, the perfect socialist society, would be established.
Reviewing and changing a political theory: e.g., social democracy revised the ideas of democratic socialism.
To differentiate between types of revisionism, the term ‘neo-revisionism’ is sometimes used.
Fabian Society
A British socialist organisation whose goal is to advance democratic socialism gradually rather than by revolutionary overthrow.
What are the three main types of socialism?
Revolutionary socialism, social democracy, and the Third Way.
What is revolutionary socialism?
The earliest form of socialism, it sought to abolish the capitalist economy, state, and society, replacing them with communism, a system based on collectivism where humans work together for the common good and society is based on common ownership.
What are the two main schools of revolutionary socialism?
Utopian socialism and Marxism.
How did Marx describe utopian socialism?
As an idealistic and simplistic fantasy with no practical plan for creating or maintaining such a society.