Feminism- Different views and tensions Flashcards
Cultural feminism
Very similar to difference feminism as it argues that women are born with different cultural characteristics as well as biological ones. Women are more caring and nurturing than men, who are more competitive and aggressive.
Reserve army of labour
The idea that women constitute a spare workforce that can be called on as and when needed.
What is the difference between sex and gender according to feminism?
Sex refers to biological differences like chromosomes between men and women, while gender is used to explain what some people believe are innate characteristics, such as men being logical and women being sensitive and caring.
What is the stance of most feminists on the social status of women?
Most feminists argue that women’s social status should not be determined by biological differences and that gender differences are artificially constructed by society.
What is the common belief shared by liberal, radical, socialist, and postmodern feminists?
They are all equality feminists, believing biological differences are inconsequential and gender differences are artificial.
How do difference feminists’ views contrast with equality feminists?
Difference feminists believe in essentialism, arguing that biological differences are important and determine gender differences, which are not socially constructed.
How do difference feminists explain women’s inferior status in society?
They argue it can be explained by biological sexual differences, which have been used to justify gender roles within society.
What is Carol Gilligan’s critique of equality feminism?
She argues that equality feminism unintentionally encourages women to replicate male behavior, alienating them from their own gender distinctiveness.
What does cultural feminism advocate for?
Cultural feminism challenges male-dominated values and promotes ‘women’s values,’ which they argue are superior.
What is a key belief of some transfeminists about sex and gender?
They argue that sex (and not just gender) is socially constructed, though this is a minority viewpoint within feminism.
What is Germaine Greer’s view on transgender women?
She explicitly stated that transgender women are ‘not women.’
What was Andrea Dworkin’s stance on the social construction of sex?
She argued that sex is socially constructed and advocated for state-financed sex-change operations.
What do feminists agree on about patriarchy?
They agree that patriarchy is pervasive and present in all aspects of society, such as religion, culture, education, media, sports, and politics.
How do feminists believe patriarchy was created?
They believe patriarchy was consciously constructed by men to oppress women and designate them a gender role.
What is Betty Friedan’s argument about the role of women in society?
She argued that society forces women into the roles of housewife and mother.
How do liberal feminists believe patriarchy can be reformed?
They argue it can be reformed through state and cultural action.
What is Sheila Rowbotham’s revolutionary socialist view of patriarchy?
She argues that society is economically determined by male capitalists, and a revolution is needed to change the status of workers and women.
Where do liberals and radicals disagree on challenging patriarchy?
Liberals focus on the public sphere, while radicals argue that patriarchy must be challenged in both public and private spheres.
What is Camille Paglia’s post-feminist argument?
She argues that most feminist goals have been achieved and that patriarchy has largely been defeated.
What do postmodern feminists like bell hooks argue about society?
They argue society is too multifaceted to be determined by a single variable such as gender and emphasize the importance of intersectionality.
How do feminists view the state?
Feminists lack a distinctive theory of the state but see it as a vessel that reinforces patriarchy.
What is the socialist and radical feminist view of the state?
They argue patriarchal culture is so embedded that it is fanciful to imagine the state can combat patriarchy.
How do liberal feminists differ in their view of the state?
They agree the state has reinforced patriarchy but argue it can become a conduit for reform and tackling patriarchy.
What do postmodern feminists argue about the complexity of state oppression?
They argue other branches of feminism miss the complexity of state oppression due to their tendency to generalize.
What does bell hooks argue about state oppression?
She emphasizes that race is as important as gender in understanding state oppression.
What do feminists believe about the economic world?
They believe it discriminates against women through unpaid labour at home and unequal opportunities in the workplace.
What did Charlotte Perkins Gilman argue about female emancipation?
She argued that economic independence is a fundamental part of female emancipation.
What was Friedrich Engels’ view on women in the economy?
He argued women are often reduced to being a reserve army of labour.
What do socialist feminists argue about capitalism and equality?
They maintain that a revolution to overthrow capitalism is needed for true equality in society.
What does Sheila Rowbotham argue women must do to achieve equality?
She argues women must become a political force to facilitate the communist process.
What does bell hooks argue about economic oppression?
She argues that race and class can be as important as gender, as Black women from poor backgrounds face inequalities middle-class women do not.