GP- Comparative Theories: Realism & Liberalism Flashcards
Interconnectedness -
As a result of globalisation, nation-states have become so interlinked it has led to a cobweb state of mutual dependence.
Complex interdependence -
The liberal belief that there are many connections and relationships that states share which make them mutually dependent on each other and reduces the risk of conflict.
Anarchical society and society of states -
Although global politics is state-centric and anarchical, nation states can still choose to cooperate to best maximise security and self-interest.
What is the realist view of human nature and what is the liberal view of human nature?
Realists are pessimistic about human nature, believing humans are intrinsically selfish, violent, and greedy.
Liberals are optimistic about human nature, believing humans are rational, communal, and cooperative.
How do realists view the role of nation states and how do liberals view the role of nation states?
Realists believe nation states are the central actors in global politics and should prioritize their security and geo-strategic interests.
Liberals argue that nation states should cooperate with each other and with non-state actors to advance mutually beneficial outcomes through regional and global institutions.
What is the realist perspective on international organizations and what is the liberal perspective on international organizations?
Realists believe nation states can participate in international organizations if they advance national interests, but no supranational authority can compel obedience to a sovereign state.
Liberals believe nation states should sacrifice some sovereignty in supranational institutions to reduce aggression and promote cooperation.
What is the realist approach to state sovereignty and what is the liberal approach to state sovereignty?
Realists emphasize protecting state sovereignty as the basis for global peace and stability, opposing intervention in sovereign affairs.
Liberals argue that if crimes against humanity, war crimes, or genocide occur, outside powers have a moral obligation to intervene.
What is Hedley Bull’s theory of anarchical society?
Hedley Bull argued that global politics is anarchical because sovereign states pursue their own interests, but states can rationally cooperate for mutual benefit without a supranational authority.
How does Bull differ from classical realists?
Bull does not believe global anarchy leads to constant warfare; instead, states can cooperate out of self-interest to achieve positive outcomes.
How do realists and liberals differ on climate change?
Realists prioritize national interests, making states reluctant to accept supranational limits on carbon emissions, while liberals advocate for global cooperation to address the crisis.
What is Francis Fukuyama’s “End of History” thesis?
Fukuyama argued that history reached its endpoint with the triumph of liberal democracy after the Cold War, leaving no serious ideological competitors.
What is Samuel Huntington’s “Clash of Civilizations” thesis?
Huntington predicted that conflict between rival civilizations, such as Islam and the West, would characterize the 21st century.
How do realists and liberals differ on poverty reduction?
Realists focus on state interests, while liberals support international cooperation and institutions to tackle global poverty.
What factors influence whether a state adopts a realist or liberal approach?
Factors include whether the state is authoritarian or democratic, the government’s political ideology, and pragmatic considerations of problem-solving.
How has globalization affected nation states?
Despite predictions that globalization would weaken states, nation states have remained resilient, with some leaders reasserting sovereignty against global trends.
How do realists and liberals differ on self-defense?
Realists emphasize military power and deterrence, while liberals argue excessive focus on hard power can provoke arms races and security dilemmas.
Why has economic global governance been hampered?
The failure of the Doha trade round and reluctance of states to compromise on national interests have hindered economic globalization.
Why are political institutions of global governance increasingly ineffective?
Nation states often approach institutions like the UN Security Council and G20 from a realist perspective, prioritizing national interests over collective action.
How has the environment been impacted by realist and liberal approaches?
Progress on climate change is slow due to states’ reluctance to accept supranational limits, despite efforts by institutions like the IPCC and COP summits.
How are human rights protected in a realist-dominated world?
Human rights are poorly protected as states resist outside interference, limiting the effectiveness of international courts like the ICJ and ICC.
What challenges have arisen to US hegemonic power?
Russia and China have increasingly deployed military power to shift the balance of power, leading to initiatives like NATO’s strengthening and AUKUS.
How has regionalism impacted state sovereignty?
Regional organizations like ASEAN and the African Union are intergovernmental and rarely challenge state sovereignty, though the EU has increased cohesion through treaties.
What effect has the Russian invasion of Ukraine had on the EU?
The invasion has provided greater impetus for EU integration, as it enhances European security and solidarity.