Liberalism- The Liberal State: Methods And Structures Flashcards
For liberals, the structure of the state must embody three features:
• constitutional/limited government
• fragmented government
•formal equality
Constitutional/limited government
Consistent with its faith in government by consent, liberalism holds that the ‘contract’ between government and governed (see above) should be…
cemented by a formal constitution.
Constitutional/limited government
Liberals believe in govt by consent so therefore believe the contract between governed and government should be cemented into constitution
How should this constitution be preceded ?
in keeping with its faith in rationalism, this constitution should be preceded by extensive discussion and consensus over what government should do and how it should do it.
Constitutional/limited government
Why should constitution be preceded with extended discussion and consensus ?
In this way, constitutional rule is in stark contrast to the arbitrary rule characteristic of monarchical states, where rulers often did whatever they pleased, using whatever methods they wished.
Constitutional/limited government
In virtue of the binding constitution, constitutional government may be described as…
limited government, with a liberal constitution imposing upon government two broad limitations
Constitutional/limited government
Constitutional government may be described as limited government?
With a liberal constitution imposing upon government two broad limitation.
Constitutional/limited government
constitutional government may be described as limited government, with a liberal constitution imposing upon government two broad limitations.
What are these two broad limitations ?
First, it ensures that governments must govern according to prearranged rules and procedures, and not in a random, ad hoc fashion.
Second, a liberal constitution is designed to prevent governments from eroding the natural rights of their citizens — a restriction often brought about via mechanisms like a Bill of Rights
Fragmented government
The focus on limited government produces another key feature of a liberal state’s structure..
namely the dispersal or fragmentation of state power
Fragmented government
This was brought about largely as a reaction against
pre-Enlightenment states where power was concentrated in the monarchy. As Lord Acton (1834-1902) famously observed, ‘power tends to corrupt…and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely.
Who states an infamous quote about power and its corruption and what is the quote ?
Lord Acton (1834-1902)
‘Power tends to corrupt…and absolute power tends to corrupt absolutely’
Fragmented government
Fragmented government also reflects liberalism’s belief in
the rationality of mankind: if individuals are generally reasonable, and inclined to self-determination, it seems logical to empower as many individuals as possible in the exercise of a state’s functions.
Fragmented government
The idea of fragmented politics power has its most celebrated embodiment in …
in the Constitution of the United States
Fragmented government
The US
Heavily indebted to the ideas of Locke, it introduces a series of ‘checks and balances’, designed to avoid power being concentrated. Since then, such checks and balances have become common in liberal states across the world
The liberal state: how is power dispersed?
• A formal ‘separation of powers’, between the executive, legislature and judiciary.
• A separation of powers within the legislature itself, so as to produce a ‘bicameral’ (two-house) legislature.
• A Bill of Rights, immune to the short-term decisions of governments.
• A Supreme Court, to uphold any Bill of Rights, and whose decisions override those of elected governments.
• A federal system of government, whereby many of the state’s functions are delegated to various regional governments.
Formal equality
Given the liberal belief in foundational equality (that all individuals are born with equal rights), it would be illogical for a liberal state not to…
reflect this in its own structures
Formal equality
As such, the liberal state strives for
formal equality, where all individuals have the same legal and political rights in society
Formal equality
The liberal state places significant emphasis on..
the doctrine of the ‘rule of law, which holds that laws passed in a liberal state are applicable to everyone, with no exemptions granted on the basis of status. In short, no one should be outside the law, but no one should be above it either
Formal equality
the procedures whereby the law takes its course — as prescribed by a liberal constitution — will apply to
all citizens.
Formal equality
Formal quality is also linked to the idea of
equal political rights — for example, the equal right to petition a parliament, the equal right to invoke a Bill of Rights before the courts, or the equal right to criticise the state while exercising the ‘natural’ (and legally protected) right to freedom of speech and publication.