Social Influence Aschs Study Flashcards
Social influence
Aschs baseline study
Shown card of 3 lines varying lengths n another card with 1 line.told to say sat around a table has same length as the second card.obvious
Social influence
Aschs baseline-
All confeds ,1 naive-called out 2nd to last.confeds gave wrong unanimous on 12/18 critical trials.these 12 called “critical trials.” ,volunteer sampling technique
7 students in each test
Asked to take part in a visionary test
Social influence
Aschs baseline-
Naive gave wrong on 36.8% of critical trials.25%no fonform on any trials.75%conform atleast once.
When interviewed ,said knew right ,conformed to avoid ridicule
Social influence
Aschs baseline
-Low pop val
123 male American students
Gender biasy
Women more conform NSI
Not able to compare
Social influence
Aschs baseline-
High control
Experimental method,IV DV,cause ,effect.
Social influence
aschs baseline
-Cultural bias
American culture-individualistic society
Not relevant to every culture