Research Methods 1 Variables Flashcards
Research methods1 n 2 -
A piece of research is repeated with same method,same results
Research methods1n2-
Does it measure what it claims to be measuring?
Research methods 1n2-
Internail validity
Validity inside study. To what extent is the researcher measuring whats intended or r there extraneous variables effecting
Research methods 1n2-external validity
Extent results can be generalised.either ecological, population or historical.
Research methods 1n2 Population validity
Participants used are typical of which the group in real life are similar group =low pop validity, should reflect general pop
Research methods1n2-
Ecological validity
Behaviour accurately reflects behaviour in normal circumstances. Usually isn’t true to life ,dosnt tell us about real life if done in a lab
Research methods1n2-
Historical validity
Research taken place at diff time accurately reflect behaviour at diff point in time.
Reseaech methods 1n2-
Different conditions in study.
Reseaech methods1n2-
what u measure .affected by the I.V
Research methods1n2-
Extraneous variables
Factors impacting result other than what you intended
Research methods 1n2-
Situational variables
Variables (excuses)from the in a test if temp is too hot /cold.
Research methods 1n2-
Participant variables
Characteristics of individual participants (personal excuses).motivation,if they had coffee that morning for a test harder to control than situational.
Research methods 1n2-
Confounding variables
Uncontrolled extraneous variables.may effect D.V therefore reducing internal validity of results.
Research methods 1n2-
Confounding variables fail because effect the result…
Cus the researcher failed to identify ,control for an extraneous variable.
Research methods 1n2-
Control group
Participants who arnt being tested but the independent variables.they are used for comparison, more scientific.
Reseaech methods 1n2-
Defining/specifying behaviours in experiment clearly. So can be measured.
Research methods1n2-
Defining/specifying behaviours in experiment clearly. So can be measured.
Research methods 1n2
Investigator effects r
Investigator effects occur when unintentional influence of researchers behaviour characteristics on Participant/data/outcome
Research methods 1n2
Investigator effects explained
If the do occur,the researcher isn’t typically aware of it so it’ll make results invalid cus researcher not measuring natural behaviour ,low internal val
Research methods 1n2
Investigator effects can be controlled through
Inter rater reliability ,double/single blind method n randomisation
If in interview could do standardised script
So each person has the same experiences with experimenter
Or all ppl could be influenced by same sex
Research methods 1n2
Researcher studies IV which participants have as characteristics that’s naturally occurring. But manipulates the task the need to complete .aim is to see how manipulated task and Iv causes DV
Research methods 1n2
Quasi aim
To see if naturally occurring IV causes differences in performance on DV
Research methods 1n2
Situational variable
Say eg lighting or temp
Easier to control than participant
Controlled through standardised procedures
Research methods 1n2
Participant variables
Eg sex ,age ,intelligence ,motivation harder to control
Controlled partially through repeated measures
Matched pairs or random allocation of independent group design
Research methods 1n2
Demand ques
Can lead to social desirability bias
Effects where they behave in way they think researcher wants or spoil research as result=low internal val cus researcher measuring natural behaviour
Research methods 1n2
Demand ques how to control
Counter balancing if repeated measures
Using diff participants in each condition if matched pairs
Or independent groups also by withholding info bout aim /procedure in standardised instructions /consent forms
Research methods 1n2
Demand ques controlled
Using different participants in each condition matched pairs /independent groups or counterbalance groups if repeated measures n less info on aims /procedures in standardised instructions /consent
Research methods 1n2
Closed qs
Used for factual info eg did u have a happy childhood yes or no?
Pro ez to quantify ,check reliability of results ,able to collate data cus ppl given options for response ,ez to compare cus options
Research methods 1n2
Cons of closed qs
Limited cues only can select response provided by researcher
Research methods 1n2
Open qs are
Descriptive answer no restriction on response eg “explain how u felt on ur first day at school”
Research methods 1n2
Open qs pro
Rich detailed info free interpretation lots of info received allow researchers to pursue line of enquiry which can follow up
Research methods 1n2
Cons of open qs
Qualitative not ez to quantify ,hard to collate /check reliability
Research methods 1n2
Questions need to be ….
Short ,have overall aim,easily understood,use pilot study,use questionares that already exist
Research methods 1n2 questionares
Less time consuming n £ than interview, interviews need to be done separately
One at a time
If one researcher
Questionares r handed out
Validity of findings-ppl aren’t disclosing face to face ,more likely to be true
Less pressure or judgement felt ,easy to replicate
Low researcher bias ,investigator effects -can’t unintentionally give cues if not present
Research methods 1n2
Self report data
Ppl may not accurately recall or wish to be seen in favourable light ‘social desirability’
Research methods 1n2
structured interviews
Pre determined set of qs that are asked in fixed order ,face to face
Research methods 1n2
Unstructured interviews
No set Qs general aim that certain topic will be discussed,free flowing instruction
Participants encouraged to expand on answers, convo
Research methods 1n2
Pros to interviews
Ambiguity is dealt with if don’t understand question
Presence of researcher may encourage them to expand ,participants can be observed
Research methods 1n2
Cons of interviews
Don’t use standardised instructions if open qs , too difficult to replicate low reliability
Can’t follow up in unstructured interviews
Takes longer,more money
Difference between quantitative n qualitative data
Quantitative data involves numbers eg number of boys and girls whereas qualitative data involves words eg interview quotes
Quantitative data can be measured objectively eg counting number of responses whereas qualitative data is based on subjective interpretation of language