Memory Working Memory Model Flashcards
Memory WMM features
Not unitary- seperate
Each seperate part processes info n stores n codes diff
Memory WMM description
Baddely n hitch going against atikinson shiffrins claim that STM unitary
Development from MSM involving STM processing
Mdmory WMM central executive
Central executive orhaniser of STM .it attends info ,stores it n decides which slave system to put it in
Limited capacity -one type of info at a time
Codes all info in sensory forms
Memory WMM phonological loop slave system outline
Deals with auditory info eg coding
Keeps order of info arrived
Active in verbal tasks eg repeating words ,speaking , learning
Limited capacity
Memory WMM phonlogical loop divided into
Phonological store - words u hear
Articulatory loop - maintainance rehearsal
Memory WMM visuo - sketchpad outline slave system
Store n chamges spatial n visual info
Recognises perception of movement
What things look like n physical relationship between em eg where lamp is to window in room
Active in visual tasks eg mentally counting windows of house , watching film
Memory WMM visuo - sketchpad divided into
Visual cache - visual data
Inner scribe- arrangement of objects in feild
Memory WMM eposidic buffer slave system outline
Limited capacity
Temporary backup for central executive
Integrates n changes info from central executive ,phonologic,visuo , LTM n procwzzes info that needs 2 diff senses at same time when watching TV (sound n visual ) makes sense of recalling events (time sequencing)
Memory WMM Baddely study supporting WMM metbod
Condition 1= participants told to hold a pointer in contact with moving spot of light .at same time asked to describe letter F (VSS for boh tasks)
Condition 2 = tracking n a verbal task using VSS N PL
Memory WMM Baddeley study supporting results
Very hard to track spot of light n describe F
But Capable of tracking n verbal task
Memory WMM BaddeleySTUDY
supporting research convlusiond
2 visual tasks less successful cus competing for limited store
Of VSS .vidual n verbal good cus making use of seperate components (VSS N PL)
Memory WMM supported by Baddely
Dual task technique
Say results
N conclusions
However lack ecological val artificial
Memory WMM Suppoyed by pet scans
Shown brain activity in diff areas on diff tasks
Eg visual - countingwindows in house or auditory repeating words
Diff areas of brain activated
Scientific method
No room for misinterpretation
Cus you’ll either see blood flow in area or not at all -objective
Memory WMM fails to take listening to mucic into account
Model says instrumental should impair performance on other acoustic tasks eg speaking PL USED model not fully developed but baddely n hitch acknollege its conyinual research