Memory Baddeley Coding In STMAnd LTM Flashcards
Memory coding in STM method
British housewives (participants) ÷4 conditions shown 10 words either
Acoustically similar man mad map
Acoustically dissimilar pen day few
Semantically similar great big large
Semantically dissimilar hot old late
Asked to recall 10 words in order given
Memory coding in LTM methods
Same as STM but given 20 mins to complete task then asked to recall 10 words in order (avoids rehearsal)
Memory coding in LTM results
Recall lot worse for semantically similar words then to semantically disimilar words in LTM
Memory coding in STM results
Recall lot worse for acoustically similar words to acoustically disimilar
Memory coding in LTM conclusions
Mainly semantic cus it gets distracted by info with similar meaning n muddles em up .whyrecall much worse for semantically similar words cus causes confusion
Memory coding in STM conclusions
STM is acoustic cus get confused by similar sounds .why recall worse for similar sounding words
Memory coding in STM N LTM high control
Cause n effect
High control over EVs
Sure IV cause DV
unlikely confounding affects
Memory coding in STM N LTM low ecological val
Unlikely told to recall 10 words irl
Lack mundane realism
Not test true complexity of memory n coding
Memory coding in STM N LTM low pop
British housewives maybe code info diff to pop
Not represent all types of pop