Attatchment-reciprocity N Interactional Synchrony Flashcards
Interactional synchrony
When caregiver n infant interact they tend to MIRROR what other doing in facial /body movements e.g they “do it in time with eachother”
-more of interactional sulynchrony= better relationship
Responding to action of another with similar action
(One does something, other does it back)
Take turns like in convo
Not nessasarily the same action responded.
Interactional synchrony and reciprocity-care giver human interaction
Meltzoff n Moore method
Aim -to see how early infants to mirrors adults
Method-6 infants 12-21 days old
.each infant shown 3 facial gestures smiling,n raising hand.
Responses videotaped n scored by observers who did not know which gestures infants seen aduls do.-(removes researcher bias)
Interactional synchrony and reciprocity-care giver human interaction
Meltzoff n Moore findings n conclusions
Infants able to mirror all 3 gestures
Suggesting synchronised behaviour is innate (somin born with can do without learning)
Interactional synchrony and reciprocity-care giver human interaction
Meltzoff n Moore Practical application
Research led to anenatal classes
Pros in prenatal n neonatal n pregnancy careers eg helps them encourage parents to interact with baby ,aids healthy attachment formation,which often continues through life into relationships.reducung welfare/social service needs.benefitts mental health few were emotional problems with more interactions
Interactional synchrony and reciprocity-care giver human interaction
Meltzoff n Moore well controlled procedures
Interactions filmed from diff angles
.recorded n analysed later
Several researchers can rewatch it
To ensure all behaviours recorded
Interactional synchrony and reciprocity-care giver human interaction
Meltzoff n Moore problems testing infants behaviours
Difficult to reliably test and is open to observer bias
Babies rarely motionless
Expressions may occur alot by chance .u can’t clarify if baby just smiled cus can’t talk
Interactional synchrony and reciprocity-care giver human interaction
Meltzoff n Moore low pop val
Very small sample size
6 infants
May not represent in metzoff n Moore
In brazlton its 12 infant n mother pairs
Interactional synchrony and reciprocity-care giver human interaction
Brazelton methods
To see the reciprocal social interactions between mothers n young infants
12 mother infant pairs
Who were seen repeatedly over the first 5 months of life.during videotaped n coded expressions
Mothers would come from behind the curtain to play using lots of positive facial expressions for 3 mins
Mum’s would leave n records continued for 30s alone.then mum returned for 3 min face to face interaction.then mothers asked to present still unresponsive face
Interactional synchrony and reciprocity-care giver human interaction
Brazlton findings
With face to face Interactional play infants moved bodies is smooth circular patterns(smooth)
Looking alot at mums.when mums stopped response babies became Jerky n attempted to get mums attention then curled up n lay motionless.
Attatchment outlined
Attachment recogniable by…
Attachment is 2 way emotional bond between 2 individuals in which each individual sees other as essential for own emotional security
Recognised through proximity,separation anxiety
,secure base behaviour(make regular attachments with figure even when independent of them ( goes slightly independent pf parents cus knows parents r watching them (feel safe) ))
Reunion behaviour -respond emotionally when reunited with those the feel attached to.