Attatchment-explanation Of It-learning Theory Flashcards
Attatchment learning theory
Classical conditioning
Learning through association
A neutral stimulus is consistently paired with a unconditioned stimulus so that it eventually takes on properties of stimuli
So produces conditioned response
Attatchment learning theory
Classical conditioning
Food is unconditioned stimulus
Being fed satisfies babies hunger
Unconditioned response UCR
(Unconditioned means not learnt)
Caregiver is neutral stimulus NS
they alone Don’t satisfy babies hunger
After many pairings of provision n satisfying hunger 2 become associated
Baby learnt to expect food once seen carer
Now conditioned stimulus
Now baby will feel positive emotions in presence of carer even without food
Emotions r CR
So infants become attatched
Learning theory
Operant conditioning outlined
Refers to Learning to repeat a behaviour as a result its consequences (u understand what could happen if u don’t do behaviour again so u do it again
If it has positive consequences its more likely going to be repeated
Positive is known as ‘reinforcement’
Learning theory
Operant conditioning
Process for positive reinforcement
Babies feel hunger -innate PRIMARY DRIVE hunger is unpleasant
As a consequence,motivates baby to stop feeling
baby cries to get caregiver attention
To encourage provision of food
pleasure of food for baby
cus has lead to provision of food
Consequently baby will cry again for food cus it knows it’ll be provided
person who provides it becomes associated -SECONDARY REINFORCER
Learning theory
Operant conditionin
Process for negative reinforcement
Crying is unpleasant for caregiver -stresses them motivated to behave in a way that’ll cause it to stop
Removal of unpleasant stimulus -NEGATIVE REINFORCEMENT
So caregiver motivated to continue with feeding process
Attatchment learning theory explanatory power
Explains behaviour as its evident infants do learn through association n reinforcement as babies can attach to whoever feeds them
However food may not be only reinforcer eg cuddling baby is a reward for baby
Too simple to say attachment results from provision of food tho
Attatchment learning theory
Contradicted with human studies
Schaffer n emmerson showed many babies a primary attachment was not always formed with person who fed em
More than half infants studied went attached to person primarily involved with physical care (feeding)
Attatchment learning theory
Contradiction of Operant conditioning
Some predictions of the theory r incorrect
Many instances of child abuse contradict it
Operant predicts that neglect /punishment decreases attachment behaviour
But observations show children continue to show strong attatchment behaviour to cruel parents who punish n not reward
Attatchment learning theory
Overly simplistic
Focus on basic processes too simplistic ,don’t explain complex attachment
Cannot be reduced to single factor -food