Soc12 The Skeletal System Flashcards
What are the 5 functions of the skeletal system?
- Protection of vital organs
- Muscle attachment
- Joints for movement
- Storing calcium and phosphorus
- Red and white blood cell production
What are the bones in your feet/ankle?
- Tarsals
- Metatarsals
- Phalanges
What are the bones in your legs?
- Femur
- Tibia
- Fibula
- Patella
What is the real name for your shoulder blade?
What is the real name for your collar bone?
What are the bones in your spine?
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar
- Sacrum
- Coccyx
What are the bones in your hands/wrist?
- Carpals
- Metacarpals
- Phalanges
Whar are the bones in your arm?
- Humerus
- Radius
What are the bones in your torso?
- Sternum
- Pelvis
- Clavicle
- Scapula
What is the real name for the skull?
What are Long Bones?
Long bones are bones that are longer than they are wide
What are the 4 joints?
- Hinge
- Ball and Socket
- Pivot
- Condyloid
What is a pivot joint?
A pivot that allows the movement of rotation, these can only be found in your neck: atlas and axis (first two vertebrae)
What is a hinge joint?
A joint that allows only backward and forward motion, found in the knee, elbow and ankle: The tibia is a hinged femur so the leg can be bent.
What is a ball and socket joint?
When the rounded head of a long bone fits into a cup-shaped hole. In the hip, the long femur fits into the pelvis.
What is a Condyloid joint?
When a joint is similar to the ball and socket joint, but the ball rests against the end of the bone, rather than inside the socket. The wrist is a condyloid joint.
What are short bones?
Short bones are generally the same size in length, width and thickness.
What are flat bones?
Flat bones usually protect organs or offer a good surface for muscles to attach to.
What are irregular bones?
Irregular bones have odd shapes and vary in function.
What is a flexion?
A bending movement that decreases the angle between body parts
What is an extension?
A straightening movement that increases the angle between body parts
What is a dorsi-flexion?
A bending or flexing moving the toes up, closer to the shin
What is a plantar-flexion?
An extending or pointing of the toes downwards, away from the shin
What is an example of a flexion?
Someone working out in the gym bends their arm up when doing a bicep curl
What is an example of an extension?
A swimmer swings their arm backwards in preparation for a racing dive
What is an example of a dorsi-flexion?
A sprinter positions their feet in the starting blocks
What is an example of a dorsi-flexion?
A floor gymnast points their toes upwards
What is an abduction?
A movement that pulls away from the midline of the body
What is an adduction?
A movementthat pulls towards the midline of the body
What is a rotation?
A movement around a single axis or pivot point
What is a circumduction?
A movement in a circular or conical shape
What is an example of an abduction?
A gymnast moves their arms out sideways at the shoulder when performing on the rings
What is an example of an adduction?
A golfer on the tee swings the club down towards the ball
What is an example of a rotation?
A tennis player when serving
What is an example of a circumduction?
A cricketer when they bowl a ball
What is a tendon?
Non-elastic fibres that attach muscles to bone to help them move
What is a ligament?
Elastic fibres that join bone to bone, usually to hold things together and keep them stable