Soc 17 - The Structure of the Respiratory System Flashcards
What makes up the respiratory system
Nose, mouth, throat, voice box, windpipe, the lungs and vessels
Why do we need our respiratory system?
To get oxygen into the body, to remove carbon dioxide, in physical activity the respiratory system and cardiovascular system must work closely together to keep the body supplied with oxygen
Inspiration (breathing in) percentages
20% oxygen : 0.4% carbon dioxide
Exhaltation (breaking out) percentages
16% oxygen : 4% carbon dioxide
What is vital capacity
The greatest amount of air that can pass into and out of the lungs by the most forceful inspiration and expiration
What is tidal capacity
The amount of air inspired and expired with each breath
What is oxygen debt
The amount of oxygen needed at the end of physical activity to break down any lactic acid
What type of exercise will result in oxygen debt?
During anaerbic exercise
How is oxygen debt repaid
Through deep, gasping breaths at the end of an activity. Therefore, enables lots of oxygen to be taken into the respiratory system, while eliminating the carbon dioxide
What is vo2 max
The volume of oxygen an athlete can consume while exercising at maximum capacity
Explain how tidal volume increases when a performer takes part in physical activity (3)
As a performer begins to exercise, the demand for oxygen increases. This is because there is a huge build up of lactic acid and carbon dioxide in the body and working muscles and this creates an oxygen debt. This results in the breathing rate of the performer increasing with deeper and gasping breaths occuring. Therefore, the tidal volume increases.