Small animals 3 Flashcards
What are some indications for flank spay?
Enlarged mammary gland due to lactation
Mammary gland hyperplasia
What are some contraindications of a flank spay?
Pregnancy Pyometra Oestrus Obesity Patient age younger than 12 weeks
What are some advantages of flank spay?
Evisceration is less likely if the body wall incision breaks down
Ability to observe incision from a distance
What are some disadvantages of flank spay?
- Limited exposure to the patient’s contralateral side if complications arise
- Difficulty identifying a previous OHE if the animal is not properly marked
- Possible imperfections in hair colour or regrowth on the flank
How can you check whole ovary is removed?
Open ovarian bursa after surgery
What is the most common complication of OVH?
What should you do in a case of haemorrhage during OVH?
- Increase exposure
- Use suction
- Convert flank to midline approach
- Stay calm, try not to panic
- Ask for assistance
- Use mesenteric dam manoeuvres (colonic and duodenal) to look at ovarian pedicles
- Retract bladder caudally to look at cervical stump
What are some complications of OVH?
Haemorrhage Fistulous tract/ discharging sinus Residual ovarian tissue Uterine stump granuolma Urinary tract issues
What is a fistulous tract/discharging sinus?
Soft, painful swelling with or without
discharging beneath the skin of:
Where can fistulous tract/discharging sinus occur?
Flank (ovarian pedicle ligature)
Inguinal region, medial thigh, pre-crural region (cervical ligature)
Why do you get fistulous tract/ discharging sinus?
Suture material: Permanent, braided (nylon), Catgut
Swabs (gossypibomna, textiloma)
How can you diagnose residual ovarian tissue?
CT scan (usefulness of u/s dependent on user)
May be easier to find residual tissue when in oestrus
May see enlarged ovarian vessels on affected side
Submit tissue for histopathology
What are some of the signs of uterine stump granuloma?
pyrexia, lethargic Signs consistent with infection Vaginal discharge- often bloody attractive to males Neutrophillia with left shift
How can you diagnose uterine stump granuloma?
C/S Neutrophilia with left shift Vaginal swab (?) Abdominal u/s Vaginoscopy
How can you treat a uterine stump granuloma?
To resolve condition further surgical intervention will be required
Also, in most cases, a course of broad spectrum ABx
What are the causes of urinary tract issues post spay?
Adhesions associated with uterine stump
Accidental ligation of a ureter (maybe more likely if bladder distended (?))
Accidental ligation of bladder neck
What are some disturbances animals with a pyometra may suffer?
Fluid deficits (PU/PD, V++) Pre-renal failure SIRS Acid base disturbances (can be acidotic as result of +++ hypovolaemia or alkaltic due to v++ and Cl loss) Anaemia Diabetes
What does an increased PCV and TP indicate?
Fluid deficit
What does an increase PCV but normal or decrease plasma protein indicate?
Splenic contraction (pcythaemia, hypoproteinaemia)
What does a decreased PCV and decrease plasma protein indicate?
Blood loss,
Anaemia and hypoproteinaemia
How can you work out drops/min?
Drops/min = (ml/kg/hr) X (kg bodyweight) X (infusion set drops/ml)/60
What can be done in intra op low ABP occurs?
Can supplement plane of anaesthesia with iv opioids (short acting), fentanyl SPC for dogs granted 5.3.12
Give colloids (i.e. starch)
Try a bolus, and see if it improves
If no colloid, can increase crystalloid rate
What should you do if CO2 goes up intra op?
Tilt slightly head up, weight taken off diaphragm
Switch down inhalant (resp depression)
What is the most common reason for incomplete ovariectomy?
Entire right ovary remains