Equine Neonatal Care Flashcards
What is the normal durection for 1st, 2nd and 3rd stage labour in the mare?
1st- <240mins
2nd- 10-20mins
3rd- 1/2-3hours
What is the normal temperature for a foal?
37-39, slightly higher than adults
What is the normal HR for a foal at 0-2hours?
What is the normal HR for a foal at 24hours?
What is the normal resp rate for a foal at 0-2hours
What is the normal resp rate for a foal at 24 hours
Which is more effective chlorhexidine or povidone iodine?
What are some of the most common + ambulatory friendly conditions in the foal?
Meconium impactions FPT- failure of passive transfer Flexural limb deformities Omphalitis/haernia Diarrhoea
What conditions are best to refer in the foal?
Bladder rupture HIE Colic Pneumonia Prematurity/dysmaturity Sepsis Congenital abnormalities
How can you get IV access in a foal
Jugular vein
Clip and aseptic prep for catheters
20G or 21G
What are the IM injection sites in foals?
Either neck or HLs
HLs will most likely have more muscle
What should you always assume in a sick foal?
That it has SIRS due to bacteraemia/toxaemia until proven otherwise
What are some of the clinical signs of sepsis in a foal?
- Injected sclerae
- Aural petechiae
- Coronet hyperhaemia
- Umbilical pain, heat and swelling
- joint swelling
- oral petechiae
- hyperemia of oral mucosa, nasal mucosa and muzzle
What are some clincial signs of a premature foal?
<320d gestation Low birth weight Silky hair coat Domed forehead Floppy years Flexor laxity/hypotonia Weak suck reflex Poor thermoregulation Entropion Poor glucose regulation Immature renal function Cartilage cuboidal bones (not fully formed)
What is a dysmature foal?
Similar to premature but at term but suffered placental insufficiency
What is a post-mature foal?
Retained in utero for too long
What are some other names for Hypoxic Ischaemic Encephalopathy?
Perinatal Asphyxia Syndrome (PAS), Dummy foal
What is the cause of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy?
Dystocia/ premature placental separation
What are the signs of hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy?
Neurological signs (unconsciousness, dull demeanour, inability to stand/suckle)
Respiratory compromise
Renal insufficiency
GI ileus
What gender tends to get bladder rupture?
Males- have a longer urethra
What are the clincial signs of a bladder ruputreu in a foal?
Neurological signs (weakness, not suckling) Anuria/dribbling little urine Straining to urinate Abdominal distension Tachycardia/tachipnoea
What biochemistry changes will you seen in a foal with a bladder rupture?
High creatinine
How can you tell a foal is in respiratory distress?
Will be standing!
How can you manage respiratory distress?
Oxygen therapy immediately
Needs referral