Male Reproductive Tract Flashcards
What do you want to ask when taking a clinical history in the male?
- previous breeding history and sucess
- reached puberty?
What do you want to know in terms of breeding records?
- number of females mated
- environmental conditions of mating
- management conditions of mating
- mating worload
- mating in relation to the season of the year
What do you want to know before any examination in the male?
- does the male pose or potentially pose a infectious disease risk?
- is any bacteriological/virological screening required?
- are any genetic tests required?
What does the general clinical examination compose of in the male?
- age and body size
- MSK disease?
- concurrent illness
- rule out hereditary defects
What are you looking for when observing an interaction with an oestrus female in the normal mating environment?
- Interest in female
- Detection of oestrus female response
- Mounting behaviour
- Erection
- Intromission
- Ejaculation
- Interest after mounting
When does full erection occur in the dog?
penis rigidity is produced by the os penis and full erection occurs after intromission
When does full erection occur in the stallion?
stallion has a musculo-cavernous penis and achieves full erection before intromission
What are you looking for in the intromission phase?
Ability to achieve correct position
What are you looking for in the ejaculation phase?
Duration compared to normal for species (short in ruminant / prolonged in dog and boar)
Ability to achieve normal position (e.g. in dog there is copulatory tie where male and female face opposite directions)
What does examination of the scrotum include?
- Normal or abnormal scrotal skin? Previous trauma?
- Testis freely mobile within the scrotum?
- Absence of abnormal scrotal contents?
- Ultrasound of scrotum
How does the presence of an inguinal hernia affect fertility?
May result in increased testicular temperature
What does examination of the testes include?
- Palpation of testicular size, texture, tone and evenness
2. Ultrasound exam of testes
What are you looking for in terms of the tone of the testicle?
Tone should be firm and resilient
Softer in the rabbit
What are you looking for in the ultraosund examination of the testes?
Measurement of volume
Estimation of parenchymal echogenicity
Detection of focal or diffuse abnormalities
What does examination of the epidiymides include?
- Palpation of the head and tail of epididymides to assess size and turgidity
- Palpation of ductus deferens
What does small and flaccid epididymidis indicated?
Disrupted sperm production
What does a large and dilated epididymis indicate?
Distal obstruction
What can palpation of ductus deferens at the neck of scrotum confirm?
Normality and rules out previous vasectomy
What does palpation of the vasculature of the ductus deferens rule out?
Abnormlaity such as varicocoele
What does exmination of inguinal canal include?
Palpation for:
- estimation of the size of inguinal canal
- detection of non descended testes
What does examination of the sheath include?
- direction of sheath
- Freely mobile?
- Normality of preputial skin
- Assess size of origice and presence of discharge
- Ability to protrude penile tip
What does examination of the penis include?
Examination of the penis in the non-erect and erect state
What are you looking for in the examination of the penis in the non-erect and erect state?
Normal appearance (e.g. spines in the tom-cat)
Absence of penile-preputial adhesions
Penile deviations
Lesions of the penile skin (infection [balanitis], neoplasia)
Normal even-size along penile length
?radiographic examination
What is phimosis?
Penis cannot be protruded because of abnormality of preputial orrifice