Skeletal System Flashcards
study of bones
2 components of skeletal system:
Organic components - 1/3 or 35%
Inorganic components - 2/3 or 65%
functions of skeletal system:
- supports soft parts of the body
- locomotion
- provides framework
- protects vital organs
- defense
- blood formation
- storage of minerals
number of bones in:
horse: _________
human adult: _________
human baby: _________
cats: ________
dogs: ________
horse: 205 bones
human adult: 206 bones
human baby: 300 bones
cats: 230 bones
dogs: 319 - 321 bones
refers to the hard layer of bone that covers most bones and forms almost the entire shaft
Compact (dense or cortical) bone
composed of plate (spicules) arranged to form a porous network usually filled with bone marrow.
Cancellous (spongy) bone
denotes the compact bone that forms the shaft of long bones
space surrounded by the cortex of long bone
Medullary cavity (marrow cavity)
Red marrow
Young animals
Yellow marrow
Old animals
refers to either extremity of long bone
cylindrical shaft of long bone situated between two epiphysis
(disk or physis) layer of hyaline cartilage that separates the diaphysis and epiphysis within the metaphysis of long bone
Epiphyseal cartilage
thin layer of hyaline cartilage that covers the articular surface of a bone
Articular cartilage
Articular Projections:
- Trochlea
- Facet
pulley-like articular mass found at the distal end of femur
relatively flat articular surface
Non-articular Projections:
- Process
- Tuberosity
- Tubercle
- Spine
- Crest
- Neck
- Line
- Glenoid cavity
- Cotyloid cavity
- Notch
general term for bony projection
relatively non- articular projection
smaller projection
maybe a pointed projection
sharp ridge
cylindrical part of a bone to which the head is attached
small ridge or mark on a bone
Line (Linea)
shallow articular concavity
Glenoid cavity
deep articular concavity
Cotyloid cavity
maybe an articular indentation
large non-articular depression
small non-articular depression
circumscribe hole in a bone
tunnel through one or more bone
Long Bones
- Greater in one dimension
- Consists of a cylindrical shaft (diaphysis) and two extremities the epiphysis
- Levers and aid in support to prehension and locomotion
- Ex.
- Pectoral limb: humerus, radius, ulna metacarpals
- Pelvic limb: Femur, tibia, fibula, metatarsals and phalanges
Short Bones
- Absorb concussion
- Cuboid in form
- Approximately equal in dimension
- No marrow cavity
- Interior is composed spongy substance
- Exterior is formed by a layer of compact substance
- Found in carpus and tarsus
Flat Bones
- Relatively thin and expanded into two dimensions
- Consist of two plates of compact substances
- Separated by spongy material called diploe
- Chiefly for the protection of vital organs such as the brain, heart, lungs, and pelvic viscera
- Provide large attachment for muscle
Sesamoid Bones
- Developed along the course of tendons
- Reduced friction of tendons
- Change the angle of pull of muscle
- The patella of the knee is the largest sesamoid bone
Separated by spongy material in short bones
the largest sesamoid bone
Irregular Bones
Unpaired bones located at the median plane
Example: Bones of the Vertebral Column
- Contain air spaces or sinuses that communicate with the exterior
- Frontal bones and maxillary bones of the skull are examples of this type of bone
Pneumatic Bones
5 types of bones:
- Long bones
- Short bones
- Flat bones
- Sesamoid bones
- Irregular bones
Includes practically all bones except those of the limbs or appendages. Either on the midline
Axial Skeleton
Axial skeleton are composed of:
a formula indicating the number of vertebrae in each segment of the spinal column
Vertebral Formula
Vertebral Formula of:
Horse -
Cow -
Sheep -
Goat -
Pig -
Dog -
Chicken -
Horse - C7T18L6S5 Cy 15-20
Cow - C7T13L6S5 Cy 18-20
Sheep - C7T18L6-7S4Cy 16-18
Goat - C7T18L7S4 Cy 16-18
Pig - C7T14-15L6-7S4 Cy 20-23
Dog - C7T13L7S3Cy 20-23
Chicken - C14T7LS14S5 Cy 4
- Forms the floor of the bony thorax
- Gives attachment to the costal cartilages
Sternum and Ribs
Sternal ribs
True ribs
Asternal ribs (floating)
False ribs
Made up of bones of the limbs
Appendicular Skeleton
Forelimb (appendicular skeleton):
- Scapula
- Humerus
- Radius
- Ulna
- Carpus
- Metacarpal
- Digits
Hindlimb ( Pelvic Limb) / (appendicular skeleton)
- Pelvic Bone
- Femur
- Tibia and fibula
- Tarsus
- Metatarsus
- Digits