Sight text 4 Flashcards
Libertad condicional
periodo de prueba
trial period
por un termino igual al que le queda por cumplir al preso
equal to the time remaining in the prisoners sentence
disponer la libertad condicional del sancionado a privacion de libertad
parole the prisoner
luego de apreciar
after evaluating/ assessing
durante el tiempo de reclusion
while serving his sentence
aprecia razones fundadas para considerar que se ha enmendado
it finds good cause to believe that he has reformed
el fin de la punicion se ha alcanzado sin necesidad de ejecutar totalmente la sancion
the purpose of the punishment has been served without the need to complete the entire term
procede otorgar la libertad condicional al preso
it is appropriate to parole the prisoner/ inmate
siempre que haya extinguido uno de los terminos siguientes
provided that he has served one of the following portions of his term
la tercera parte
cuando se trata de
in the case of
sancionados que no hayan arribado a los 20 anos al comenzar a cumplir la sancion
prisoners who were not yet 20 years of age when they began serving their terms
sancionados primarios
first offenders
reincidentes o multirreincidentes
second offenders or multiple offenders
la direccion del centro penitenciario
the prison board
escucha el parecer del fiscal encargado del caso de que se trata
consults with the prosecutor who tried the case in question
puede supeditar la concesion de la libertad condicional al hecho de que
may make as a condition of parole that
entidad social
social organization
en el supuesto de que aquel haya logrado conseguir un compromiso de empleo
assuming that the prisoner has managed to obtain a promise of employment
asuma la responsabilidad de orientar su conducta
agree to be responsible for overseeing his conduct
para que en lo sucesivo no incurra en nuevo delito
so that in the future he will not commit new offenses
El tribunal ordenara la ejecucion de la parte incumplida de la sancion si, durante este periodo, el que disfruta de libertad condicional es sancionado a privacion de libertad por un nuevo delito
the court will order that the parolee serve the remainder of his term if, during that period, he is sentenced to prison for a new offense
retira la garantia que haya ofrecido
withdraws the pledge it has made
el tiempo durante el cual el liberado disfruto de dicha libertad se abonara al cumplimiento de la sancion
the time that the parolee was on parole will be credited toward his term