Sight 12 Flashcards
Siedo la 11 horas
At 11:00 am
del ano en curso
of the present year
el suscrito
the undersigned
Dirección Nacional de Control Drogas (DNCD)
National Drug Enforcement Office (DNCD)
debidamente juramentado y advertido como corresponde para que se conduzca con verdad en lo que va a declarar
having been duly sworn and properly advised of his responsibility to testify truthfully
impuesto de las penas y sanciones en que incurren las personas que se conducen con falsedad ante una Autoridad en el ejercicio de sus funciones
advised of the penalties and sanctions to which those who provide misinformation to a law enforcement agent engaged in the course of his duties may be subject
dicha Dirección
said Office
mediante la cual se detuvo a los intergrantes de una banda de narcotraficantes
whereby the members of a drug trafficking ring were arrested
Fueron apresados
Arrested were
se incautó 725 kilos de cocaína pura
725 kilos of pure cocaine was seized
El declarante sigue declarando
The affiant further states
una avioneta bimotor marca TC-404
a TC-404 twin-engine airplane
de matrícula colombiana 8923
with Colombian registration number 8923
Agencia Antinarcótico
Drug Enforcement Administration
Guardia Costanera
Coast Guard
campo de fumigación arrocera
rice fumigation field
los tripulantes de la nave
the crew of the plane
kept under surveillance
hasta su descenso a suelo dominicano
until it landed on Dominican soil
en la madrugada del día de ayer
early yesterday morning
le hicieron varios disparos
fired several shots at them
el helicóptero que la custodiaba
the helicopter that was escorting it
were flying over
manifiesta además
further states
abandonaron el espacio aéreo dominicano
left Dominican airspace
los detenidos
the detainees
the suspects
a los que también se les ocupó un revólver, una escuadra, y dos granadas de mano
from whom agents also seized a revolver, an automatic pistol, and two hand grenades
fueron trasladados a Santo Domingo para ser interrogados
were taken to Santo Domingo for questioning
Tanto los colombianos como los dominicanos serán sometidos a la justicia
Both the Colombians and the Dominicans will be prosecuted
que penaliza el tráfico de estupefacientes
which provides penalties for drug trafficking
El declarante ratificó su dicho previa lectura que se le dio, firmando al margen y al calce de la presente para su debida constancia.
The statement having been read to the affiant, and the latter having confirmed the content thereof, he placed his signature in the margin and at the foot of same in witness whereof.
Doy fe
I attest