Sight 10 Flashcards
Declaracion Jurada
el que suscribe
the undersigned
declaro lo siguiente
(do hereby) state the following
la demanda entablada contra
the lawsuit filed against
accident/ collision
un Volks del ano 1970, matricula BXA-113
a 1970 Volks, license number BXA-113
que van hacial el norte/ sur
northbound/ southbound
camellon en medio
raised center divider
street lamps/ streetlights
Hacia buen tiempo, sin lluvia ni niebla
It was good weather, not raining or foggy.
carril exterior
outside lane
shoulder/ edge
cuya marca desconozco
whose make I dont know
no hay banquetas ni cunetas
there are no sidewalks or gutters
estaba por rebasarnos
was about to pass us
en linea diagonal
no estaban prendidos los faros
the headlights were not on
ya un poco adelantado
by this time a little ahead ( of us)
viro bruscamente
swerved/ turned sharply
el chillido de las llantas
the tires squealing
vi que se estrello con
I saw it crash/ smash into
frene de repente
slammed on the brakes
se coleo
se me fue el volante
the steering wheel spun out of my grasp
daba vueltas
was spinning around
estribo de un paso elevado
buttress (foundation of an overpass)
desesperado, di un gran timonazo
desperately I swerved
Quiso la suerte que
As luck would have it
no dieramos con el estribo, sino con el terraplen
we missed the buttress but hit the embankment
no sufrimos mayores lesiones
we were not injured more seriously
salieron ilesos
were unhurt
si no hubiera llevado abroachado el cinturon
if I had not had my seatbelt fastened
dio con la cabeza contra el tablero de instrumentos
hit her head on the dashboard
perdio el conocimiento
lost consciousness/ was knocked out
cortadas, raspaduras y moretones
cuts, scrapes, and bruises
Declaro bajo pena de perjurio que lo anterior es verdad y correcto
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct
en fe de lo cual firmo la presente en presencia de los testigos
in witness whereof, I (do hereby) place my signature on this document in the presence of two witnesses