Con 4 Flashcards
Rateria de tiendas
I would move for the exclusion of other witnesses
Pido la exclusion de los otros testigos
All persons who expect to testify in this case are now ordered to leave the courtroom but to remain within the call of the Court to be available as soon as your testimony is required
A todos los que esperan testificar en este caso se les ordena que salgan de la sala pero que queden a disposicion del juzgado en cuanto se requiera su testimonio
I would designate Officer Caceras as my investigating officer
Quisiera designar al agente Caceres como mi agente de investigacion
The People call Mr. Agua to the stand
El estado llama al senor Agua al banquillo de los testigos
Si, uh-huh,
Yeah, uh-huh, …yes
did you observe anything unusual occur
observo que ocurriera algo raro
herramienta electrica
power tools
Where did you station yourself?
Donde se coloco Usted?
Approximately how far away from him?
A aproximadamente que distancia de el?
se fijaba a todos lados
he was looking all around
serrucho electrico
power saw
Se doblo, la levanto, la miro, se levanto, se volteo a todos lados, se agacho otra vez y levanto la caja
He bent down, lifted it up, looked at it, got up, turned all around, bent down again and lifted up the box
Para no echarle mentiras
To be honest with you
intencion/ proposito