Sight 8 Flashcards
por lo bien y mucho que me ha ayudado
for all the great help you have given me
se leende poco
you can’t understand much
mi trabajadora
my worker
sign me up/ register me
take classes
ella es testiga que
she is a witness to the fact that
siempre se ponia alguna razon
she always made up some excuse
me agarro la policia
the police picked me up
estaba tratando que yo me sintiera mal en su casa
was trying to make me feel bad in her house
me estaba cuidando
was watching me
como si yo fuera a salir corriendo con mi hijo
like I was going to run away with my son
yo solo lo miraba
I would just look at him
de pura tristeza me ponia a tomar
out of sheer sadness I would start to drink
a preguntarme por que el destino me ha tratado tan mal
to wonder why life has treated me so badly
me criaron la familia de mi papa
I was raised by my father’s family
Con mi esposo no fue feliz
It didn’t go well with my husband
todo lo mal que la vida me habia tratado
all the bad things that life had dealt me
todo el amor que habia en mi
all the love I had to give
y de pronto me pasa lo que me paso
and all of a sudden what happened to me happened
no me di por vencida
I didn’t give up hope
aunque estuviera toda golpeada de mi cuerpo
even if my body was all beat up
con el corazon destrozado
and my heart was broken
ellos me daban fuerza para seguir adelante
they gave me the strength to keep going
yo seguia aten- atendiendo a mis hijos
I kept tak- taking care of my children
ellos quedaron con mis hijos
they kept my children
yo estuve a punto de volverme loco
I was about to lose my mind
me atropello un coro/ carro
I was hit by a car (typographical error)
fue la ultima direccion que ellos tienen de mi
that was the last address they had for me
luego le escribo otra carta
then I’ll write you another letter
ayudeme a que mis hijos regresen conmigo
help me get my children back
si no, no se que va a ser de mi
otherwise I don’t know what will become of me
trate de que me manden
try to have them send me