Semester 1 Final (Pt. 2) Flashcards
What is unique about the hyoid bone?
Does not articulate with any other bone
Difference between osteoarthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis (3)
- Osteoarthritis: Most common, damages joints
- Tendonitis: Inflammation of tendon sheath
- Bursitis: Caused by blow or friction of a joint
What is unique to rheumatoid arthritis, compared to the other types of arthritis?
It is an autoimmune disorder
What is abduction and adduction movement? (2)
- Abduction: Pull away from midline
- Adduction: Towards midline
What is medial and lateral rotation? (2)
- Medial rotation: Rotates inward
- Lateral rotation: Rotates outward
Location of the coronal, saggital, lambdoid, and squamous sutures (4)
- Coronal: Frontal, parietal
- Sagittal: Parietal, parietal
- Lambdoid: Occipital, parietal
- Squamous: Parietal, temporal
Difference between the occipital bone and the foramen magnum (2)
- Foramen magnum: Hole in occipital bone for spinal cord
- Occipital: Back of skull
Three types of vertebrae and how many bones make up each type (3)
- Cervical: 7
- Thoracic: 12
- Lumbar: 5
What makes up the sacrum and coccyx
9 bones of the spine fused
The two attachment points of the clavicle (2)
- Manubrium
- Scapula
Location of the radius and ulna (2)
- Radius: Thumb side of forearm
- Ulna: Pinky side of forearm
Male vs. female pelvis (2)
- Female: Bigger angle and bigger hole
- Male: More acute angle and smaller hole
Three types of muscle tissue (3)
- Skeletal
- Cardiac
- Smooth
Why are muscle cells called “muscle fibers”?
They are elongated
Difference between the three types of muscle tissue (3)
- Skeletal: Moves bones/connected to bones
- Cardiac: In the heart
- Smooth: Hollow organs
Appearance of muscle tissue under a microscope (3)
- Cigars
- Bungee cords
- Pull-and-peel twizzlers
Location/description of following muscles: frontalis, orbicularis oculi, buccinator (what does buccinator do) (3)
- Frontalis: Forehead, frontal bone
- Orbicularis Oculi: Around eyes
- Buccinator: On cheek, holds food between cheek and gums
Location/description of following muscles: orbicularis oris, masseter, (what does masseter do) sternocleidomastoid (3)
- Orbicularis Oris: Around the mouth
- Masseter: Masticating (chewing) muscle
- Sternocleidomastoid: Side of the neck
Location/description of following muscles: pectoralis major, internal intercostals, trapezius, deltoid (4)
- Pectoralis Major: Chest
- Internal Intercostals: In between ribs
- Trapezius: Top of back
- Deltoid: Shoulders
Location/description of following muscles: semimembranosus, semitendinosus, biceps femoris (3)
- Semimebranosus: Most medial, most inside of thigh
- Semitendinosus: Middle of hamstring
- Biceps femoris: The lateral (outside) part of hamstring
Location/description of following muscles: adductor muscles, tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius (3)
- Adductor Muscles: Inside of thigh
- Tibialis Anterior: Front of tibia (shin)
- Gastrocnemius: Calf
What muscle is affected by tennis elbow?
Steroid hormones descriptors (3)
- Lipid-based
- Goes through plasma membrane
- Made by gonads or adrenal glands
Amino-acid hormones descriptors (3)
- Not lipid based
- Can’t go through plasma membrane
- Made everywhere else
How do tropic hormones work?
They have a target organ
Describe the function of the following hormones: prolactin, growth hormone (2)
- Prolactin: Milk production
- Growth Hormone: Helps muscle and bone growth
Describe the function of the following hormones: Estrogen (4)
- Secondary sex characteristics
- Prepares uterus for eggs
- Maintains pregnancy
- Prepares breasts for milk
Describe the function of the following hormones: Progesterone (3)
- Prepares uterus for eggs
- Prevents menstruation during pregnancy
- Prepares breasts for milk
Describe the function of the following hormones: Testosterone (3)
- Made in testes
- For secondary sex characteristics
- Makes sperm