Muscles (Pt. 3) Flashcards
How many groups of upper limb muscles are there?
What is the first group of upper limb muscles? What do they arise from? What do they cross? Where do they insert? (upper arm) (3)
- Arise from the shoulder girdle
- Cross the shoulder joint
- To insert into the humerus
What are the muscles that are part of the first group up upper limb muscles? (3)
- Pectoralis major
- Latissimus dorsi
- Deltoids
What joint is movement in the second group up upper limb muscles?
Movement at the elbow joint
Where do muscles of the forearm insert into? What do they cause there? (2)
- Insert into the hand bones
- Cause their movement
What do all anterior arm muscles cause?
All anterior arm muscles cause elbow flexion
What is the order of decreasing strength of the forearm muscles? (3)
- Brachialis
- Biceps brachii
- Brachioradialis
What is the order of increasing strength of the forearm muscles? (3)
- Brachioradialis
- Biceps brachii
- Brachialis
Where do the brachialis lie deep to? What is it as important as in elbow flexion? (2)
- Lies deep to the biceps muscle
- Is as important as the biceps in elbow flexion
What is the brachioradialis? What does it arise on? Where does it insert distally into? (3)
- A fairly weak muscle
- Arises on the humerus
- Inserts into the distal humerus
Where does the brachioradialis reside on mainly?
Resides mainly on the forearm
What is inflammation of the brachioradialis called? (Humerus/forearm)
Inflammation = tennis elbow
What is the only muscle fleshing out the posterior humerus?
Triceps brachii
What are the triceps brachii the only muscle of?
The only muscle fleshing out the posterior humerus
What arises from the triceps brachii and where do they arise from? Where does it insert into? (2)
- Its three heads arise from the shoulder girdle and proximal humerus
- It inserts into the olecranon process of the ulna
What is the triceps brachii a powerful prime mover of? What is it the antagonist of? (2)
- This muscle is a powerful prime mover of elbow extension
- Is the antagonist of the biceps brachii
Where do the lower limb muscles cause movement at? (3)
- Hip
- Knee
- Foot joints
What describes the lower limb muscles?
They are among the largest, strongest muscles of the body
What are the lower limb muscles specialized for? (2)
Specialized for
- walking
- and balancing the body
What is the gluteus maximus? What does it mostly form? (2)
- A superficial muscle of the hip
- That forms most of the flesh of the buttock
What kind of extensor is the gluteus maximus? What does it act to do with the pelvis? (2)
- It is a powerful hip extensor
- Acts to bring the thigh in a straight line with the pelvis
What is the gluteus maximus the most important muscle for when and what actions is it required for? (2)
- Most important muscle for extending the hip
- When power is needed in climbing stairs and jumping
Where does the gluteus maximus originate from? Where does it run to insert on? (2)
- Originates from the sacrum and iliac bones
- Runs to insert on the gluteal tuberosity of the femur
What is the gluteus maximus an important site for?
Important site for injections of meds that are more than 5 mL
What is the iliopsoas a prime mover of?
Prime mover of hip flexion
What does the ilioposas act to do when standing erect?
Acts to keep the upper body from falling backward when standing erect
What are the adductor muscles? What do they form? Where? (2)
- A group of muscles that form the muscle mass
- At the medial side of each thigh
What do the adductor muscles do to the thighs?
These muscles adduct or press the thighs together
What does the hamstring group form and where?
Muscles forming the muscle mass of the posterior thigh
What muscles does the hamstring group consist of? (3)
- Biceps femoris
- Semimembranosus
- Semitendinosus
Where does the name hamstring come from?
Comes from the fact that butchers use their tendons to hang hams for smoking
What is the sartorius? What is weak about it? (2)
- A thin, strap-like muscle
- It is a weak thigh flexor
What is the sartorius “most” of the thigh? What is hard to do to it? (2)
- The most superficial muscle of the thigh
- It is hard to miss
How many muscles does the quadriceps group consist of?
Consists of four muscles
What muscles make up the quadriceps group? What do the three muscles flesh out? (2)
- Rectus femoris
- Three vastus muscles that flesh out the anterior knee
What does the quadriceps group do as a whole? What is an example of that? (2)
- The group as a whole, act to extend the knee powerfully
- Ex: kicking a football
What joints does the rectus femoris cross? (2)
The rectus femoris crosses two joints:
- the hip
- the knee
What does the rectus femoris help to flex?
Also helps to flex the hip
What is the rectus femoris on top of? What is it closest to? (2)
- It is on top of the vastus medialis
- This is closest to the midline of the body