Section 1 Vocab Flashcards
Alliance for Progress
A major United States program of economic aid to nations of Latin America, launched in the early 1960s
Prince Albert
A German prince of the nineteenth century; married Queen Victoria of Britain; Queen Victoria remained in mourning for him until her death
The victorious allied nations of World War I and World War II
Spanish Armada
A fleet of over a hundred ships sent by King Philip II of Spain to conquer England in 1588
An infamous concentration camp established by the Nazis in Poland
Axis powers
Germany, Italy, and Japan, which were allied before and during World War II
A prison in Paris where many political and other offenders were held and tortured until the time of the French Revolution. It was attacked by workers on July 14, 1789(France’s Independence Day)
David Ben-Gurion
An Israeli political leader; he was chosen to be the country’s first prime minister
Berlin airlift
A military operation in the late 1940s that brought food and other needed goods into West Berlin by air after the government of East Germany had cut off its supply routes. The airlift was one of the early events of the Cold War.
Otto von Bismarck
A political leader of Germany known as the “Iron Chancellor”
Black Hole of Calcutta
A cell in the jail of a British fort in Calcutta, India which measured about fifteen by eighteen feet
A form of warfare used by German forces in World War II. In a blitzkrieg, troops in vehicles, such as tanks, made a quick surprise strikes with support from airplanes. Means lightning war
blood, toil, tears, and sweat, I have nothing to offer but
A statement made by Winston Churchill on becoming Prime Minister of Britain during World War II.
Boer War
A war between British and Dutch settlers(Boers) in South Africa
Dutch settlers in South Africa known as Afrikaners
Simon Bolivar
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A Venezuelan revolutionary leader of the early nineteenth century; fought Spanish troops for the independence of countries in northern South America
radicals in the Russian Revolution
The ruling family of France from the late sixteenth century until the French Revolution
Edmund Bourke
An Irish political leader; a member of the British Parliament; sympathized with the American Revolution
Fidel Castro
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A Cuban political leader; He led the revolution that in 1959 overthrew the dictator of Cuba