Chapter 21 Multiple Choice Flashcards
Spanish Civil War was an international incident hen
Italy and Germany sent troops to Spain
Hitler challenged peace by sending troops into
the Rhineland
immediate cause of WWII
Germany invading Poland
1939- American were neutral because
we were isolated, wanted to stay isolated
“Date which will live in infamy”
FDR said it; his referring to the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor
after Battle of Midway, the Allies
go on the offensive in the Pacific
President Truman/decision to drop atomic bomb
an invasion would cost up to 1 million American casualites
Battle of El Alamein was a turning point
because it ended the German offensive in North Africa
D-Day resulted in liberation of
Germany defeated France by
bypassing the Maginot Line
Hitler tried to defeat Britain by
bombing British cities
Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union (June, 1941)
gained control of oil and farmland
“scorched earth” policy of retreat used by before
Nazi invasion
U.S. policies during WWII
Lend-Lease Act
arsenal of democracy (democratic principles)
Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor was an attempt to
destroy our Pacific fleet
Allies attack the Axis powers by invading Italy
where the Axis Powers were the most vulnerable
rescue of over 300,000 French and British troops
Vichy France
the Nazi puppet government
“island hopping”
capture some islands and bypass others
policy of appeasement
associated with
give in to the aggressor to keep the peace
Neville Chamberlain the Prime Minister of Great Britain