Chapter Four Multiple Choice Flashcards
Charlemagne’s empire included
large parts of the western Roman Empire
Significance of the Battle of Tours
The Muslim advance in Europe was stopped
Long term results of the Viking invasions
the growth of feudalism
What was agreed upon in a feudal contract
The lord and the vassal agreed to certain obligations
Why did feudalism become a complex system?
because a vassal could owe loyalty to more than one lord
Most wars in feudal ages were fought to
settle boundary or inheritance disputes
What did these two relationships have in common?
serf/lord and vassal/lord
Both involved mutual duties and responsibilities
Christian leader at the Battle of Tours
Charles Martel
What seriously disrupted European life in the 800s and 900s?
Viking invasions
What was a direct result of European invasions after 700?
the decrease of the monarch’s power (decrease of royal authority)
In a feudal contract, a vassal provided the lord with
military service
chivalry governed relations between
noblemen and women
What were 3 agricultural advances in the Middle Ages?
water mill
farm tools made out of iron
In the late Middle Ages, townspeople supported the king because
the kings supported trade
William the Conqueror required his subjects to
pledge first loyalty to him
Long term effect of the Magna Carta
It limited royal power
Parliament won new rights because
the king need their consent to raise taxes
Because of the Viking invasions, French kings
lost power to the feudal lords
Group that supported the monarchs in their struggles
the townspeople
Increased trade benefitted monarchs because
tax revenue allowed them to raise an army
Unlike the rest of Europe, England
did not develop into a feudal system
Common Law developed out of
decisions of the royal courts
Major principle contained in the Magna Carta
king was not above the law