Chapter 19 Part 2 Notes Flashcards
Benito Mussolini
Italian dictator beginning in the 1920s
Mussolini’s political party
Fascist Party
characteristics of fascism
glorify the military; strong, dynamic leader; nationalize (government owns) key industries; prohibiting civil liberties
the government is run by a small group or an individual
another word for dictatorship basically; the government controls every aspect of citizens’ lives
Black Shirts
Mussolini’s followers and this is how they were identified
Oct 1922 March on Rome (Met in Rome)
- Mussolini convinces the Italian king there is a communist threat in Rome 2. the king appoints Mussolini as Premier 3. Mussolini sets up his dictatorship 4. he then appoints party members to key government posts
police state
civil liberties are gone; censorship; secret police force; forced labor (labor camps)
“IL Dulce”
means The Leader; the title Mussolini took
Weimar Republic
a government set up b the Allies in Germany after WWI
Germany’s public opinion of the Republic
German people felt that their leaders had let them down and betrayed them; they felt “stabbed in the back”
Munich Beer Hall Putsch
1923; extreme nationalists attempt to overthrow the Republic; these nationalists eventually known as the Nazi Party; unsuccessful
led the overthrow attempt; sentenced to five years but served about nine months
Nazi Party
stood for Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party; primarily made up of German workers
Mein Kampf
book that Hitler wrote in prison; means “My Struggle”; Hitler’s outline for his political ideals in Germany
“Greater Germany”
calling for Germany to return to greatness (in Mein Kampf)
“master race”
referred to as Aryans; his super race
ancient civilization that had this concept that their race was perfect; name for the Master Race; blue eyes/ blond hair
German legislature
Fire at Reichstag
mysterious fire breaks out; no one convicted though had a lot of damage; late at night and no one was hurt or killed; Hitler persuades the German president to appoint him Chancellor
Hitler’s secret police
Hitler fenced in ethnic neighborhoods (particularly Jews)
star of David
symbol that Jews had to wear to identify that they were Jewish
Der Fuhrer
Hitler’s title; means the leader
concentration camps
originally labor camps but eventually became death camps
Third Reich
Hitler’s government; third “great” German empire
Rhineland 1936
Western Czechoslovakia, Hitler marches his troops here and violates the Treaty of Versailles
France and Britain’s reaction to Germany taking the Rhineland
they could not stop him; not strong enough
Rome-Berlin Axis
alliance between Italy and Germany
Paul von Hindenburg
the German president when Hitler became dictator
means living space; Hitler’s justification for expanding; his excuse/reason
hatred of the Jews
Ethiopia 1936
Ethiopia is going to be the first acquisition of Mussolini’s empire
Ethiopia becomes a protectorate; the country keeps its own government but Italy was actually in control
Union of Soviet Socialists Republic; Russia’s new name after the Revolution of 1917
Vladimir Lenin
leader of the Revolution; leader of the communists who becomes the leader of Russia after the Revolution
war communism
Lenin’s first plan to restructure the Russian economy that was a failure
the government takes over key industries
new economic policy
second pan to restructure the economy that was also a failure
major industries
heavy industry, agriculture, mining, and oil; the heavy industry and agriculture were the two major focus points
collective farms
government controls all the land and the farmers work together to farm it
Trotsky-Stalin rivalry
Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin emerge as rivals to be the next leader in Russia; power struggle; Trotsky was murdered; Stalin gets support of the Communist Party and Stalin becomes the new leader of Russia
command economy
when the government takes control of all economic decisions
Five Year Plans
long range economic plans of Stalin’s; two key areas of growth were heavy industry and agriculture; first one started in 1928 and the second one in 1933
Supreme Soviet
the Soviet legislature
the head organization of the Communist Party
Stalin is going to have a large scale elimination of disloyal people (called the Great Purge) (about 5 million people fell victim to this)
organizations set up by Stalin to spread communism
the secret police in Russia