Reproductive anatomy/Phys First Aid Flashcards
Sonic headgehog gene
Produced at the zone of polarizing activity.
Involved in patterning along the anterior/posterior axis.
Mutation can cause holoproencephaly as its involved in brain maturation.
Wnt-7 gene
Apical ectoderma ridge necessary for proper organization along the dorsal ventral axis.
FGF gene
apica ectodermal ridge
Stimulates mitosis of the underlying mesoderm providing limb lengthening.
Homeobox (HOX) genes
Involved in segmental organization in craniocaudal direction.
With mutations you end up with limbs in the wrong locations.
What problem can aminoglycosides cause in utero?
Loss of cranial nerve 8
Loss of ear function.
What teratogenic effect do folate antagonists have?
Neural tube defects.
What teratogenic effect does lithium have?
Ebstein abormality which is an atrialized right ventrical.
What teratogenic effects does phenytoin carry?
Fetal hyantoin syndrome
Cleft palate, cardiac defects, phalanx/fingernail hypoplasia.
What teratogenic effect do tetracyclnes cause?
Discolored teeth
What teratogenic effects does valproate carry?
inhibition of maternal folate absorption leading to neural tube defects.
What effect can maternal diabetes have on the child?
Caudal regression syndrome, congenital heart defects, and neural tube defects.
Which fetal component of the placenta secretes hCG?
The synctiotrophoblasts.
What does the umbilical vein drain into?
Supplies oxygenated blood from placenta to fetus and drains into the inferior vena cava via the liver or ductus venosus.
What gives rise to the branchial clefts?
Derived from ectoderm
What give rise to the branchial arches?
Derived from mesodern