Gastrointestinal First Aid Flashcards
What artery does the midgut rotate around and during which week?
Superior mesenteric artery during 10th week.
Improper rotation can lead to severe pathologies.
What is annular pancrease?
The ventral pancrease abnormally encircles the 2nd part of the duodenum forming a ring of pancreatic tissu and duodenal narrowing.
The mnemonic SAD PUCKER is used to describe…
Retroperitoneal structures Suprarenal (adrenal) glands Aorta and IVC Duodenum Pancrease (except tail) Ureters Colon (descending and ascending) Kidneys Esophagus (thoracic portion) Rectum
What is the falciform ligament?
Attaches liver to anteror abdominal wall. Contains the ligamentum teres hepatis from the fetal umbilical vein.
Is a derivative of ventral mesentary.
What does the falciform ligament contain and what is it a remnant of?
Contains the ligamentum teres hepatis.
Originated from the fetal umbilical vein.
What structures can be found in the hepatoduodenal ligament?
Connects the liver to the duodenum containing the hepatic triad (Hepatic artery, portal vein, common bile duct)
What does the gastrohepatic ligament connect and what is found inside of it?
Gastrohepatic ligament connects the liver to the lesser curvature of the stomach. Contains the gastric arteries and is part of the greater omentm.
What is contained in the gastrocolic ligament?
connects the stomach to the transverse colon.
Containing the gastroepiploic arteries.
Part of the greater omentum.
Describe the intestinal layers from the lumin to the outside,.
Muscularis externa (myenteric and mysners nerve plexus)
Serosa (when intra peritoneal) and adventitia when retroperitoneal (ascending and descending)
Where are brunners glands found and what do they do?
These are found in the duodenum in the crypts of leiberchun. They secrete HCO3-
Where are the peyers patches found?
These are found in the ileum
The ileum also has the largest ammount of mucous production in the intestines.
Which spinal level can the celiac trunk be found?
Which spinal level can the inferior mesenteric artery be found?
What spinal level does the descending aorta bifurcate into the two iliac arteries?
What is superior mesenteric artery syndrome?
When the duodenum gets trapped between the descending aorta and the superior mesenteric artery causing intestinal obstruction.