Musculoskeletal, skin, connective tissue anatomy and phys Flashcards
What is the unhappy triad?
Common injury in sports due to lateral force on a planted leg.
Damage to ACL, MCL, and medial meniscus (attached to MCL)
What can cause a prepatellar bursitis?
Excessive kneeling on the knee leading to inflammation of the prepatellar bursa.
What is a bakers cyst?
Fluid collection in the popliteal space related to chronic joint disease.
What muscles form the rotator cuff?
SItS (small t is for teres minor)
Supraspinatus abductor and most common injury test with empty full can test..
Infraspinatus Laterally rotates arm – pitching injury
Teres minor - adducts and laterally rotates arm
Subscapularis – medially rotates and adduct arm.
What nerve primarily innervates the rotator cuff muscles?
What is golfers elbow?
Excessive flexion causing pain to medial condyle.
As opposed to tennis elbow caused by excessive extension and pain at lateral condyle.
What are the proximal bones in the wrist?
Scaphoid, Lunate, Triquetrum, Pisiform
“So Long To Pinky”
From lateral to medial.
What are the distal bones in the wrist?
Hammat, Capitate, Trapezoid, Trapezium
“Here Comes The Thumb”
From medial to lateral
Which wrist bone is most commonly fractured?
The scaphoid found in the snuff box.
Dislocation of which wrist bone can cause acute carpal tunnel syndrome?
The lunate
What nerve is damaged on an outstretched hand following pisiform fracture?
The ulnar nerve.
What is Guyon canal syndrome?
Compression of the ulnar nerve at the wrist typically seen in cyclists due to handlebar pressure.
If there is a shoulder injury and the deltoid begins to flatten out which nerve should you suspect is damaged?
The axillary nerve C5-C6
If there is a loss in forearm flexion and supination and loss of sensation over the lateral forearm which nerve should you suspect is damaged?
Musculocutaneous C5-C7
the use of crutches, or compression of the axilla causing “Saturday night palsy” Is common following the compression of which nerve?
Compression of the radial nerve.
Leads to wrist drop/ loss of wrist, elbow, and finger extension.
As well as decreased grip strength and sensation over posterior arm and forearm.
Damage to which nerve will result in an apes hand or popes blessing with loss of wrist flexion, flexion of th lateral three fingers, thumb aposition?
Median nerve C5-T1
If you have an ulnar claw on digit extension which nerve should you suspect to be gone?
Ulnar nerve
How will the wrist deviate with flexion if the ulnar nerve is gone?
Radial deviation.