Neuro Path Flashcards
Narrowing of brain gyri with widening of sulci
Alzheimers disease
neurofibrillary tau tangles and B amyloid cores
Alzhiemers disease
Lewy Body Dementia
Think parkinsons
Guillan barre syndrome
Destroys peripheral schwann cells.
Ascending paralysis
Related to campylobacter
Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy
Correlated to JC virus in HIV patients
Leads to destruction of oligodendrocytes.
partial/Focal seizures
Common in the medial temporal lobe preceded by a seizure aura.
Simple partial - Concious with motor ticks
Complex - Loss of conciousness
Absence seizure
Generalize seizure that has no postictal confusion.
Presents with blank stare.
Quick repeptitive jerks
Tonic- clonic seizure
grand mal
alternative stiffening and movement
Cafe au lait spots with lisch nodules and cutaneous neurofibromas.
Neurofibromatosis type I
Mutated NF-1
Port wine stain at birth, tram track calcifications in brain unilaterally, retardation
Sturge weber syndrome
Brain tumor with spindle cells arranged in a whorled pattern with psammoma bodies
Pseudopalisading pleomorphic cell brain tumor with central areas of necrosis and hemorrhage
Glioblastoma multiforme
Which type of tumor most commonly effects the vestibular CN 8
Chicken wire capillary pattern on brain tumor
Pt exibiting mass in brain with excessive prolactin formation and bitemporal hemianopia
Pituitar adenoma pushing on optic tract and causing release of prolactin from the anterior pituitary.
Homer wright rosettes in a childs brain tumor
Can block the 4th ventrical.
Rosenthal fibers in a childs brain tumor
pilocytic astrocytoma
Cell types will be eosinophilc and corkscrew in fashion.
Tumor growth in which region can destroy CN III
An uncal herniation
Results in blown pupil, down and out gaze, ipsilateral PCA